

The GIGA publishes its research results primarily as articles in prestigious journals and as books with international university presses. Get an overview of our publications below.

  • MECAM Papers English | 01/2025

    Female Agency and Colonial Repression: Memory and Archives in Tunisia

    Laying the foundations for deciphering colonialism’s contemporary inertia, with its mechanisms continuing to broadly structure relations with the region, is key. European colonialism traumatically shaped both local societies and the categories typically used for their study. Deconstructing the latter and the dominant narratives inherited from colonialism in rejecting their uncritical use is vital for the present.

    Contribution | 10/2024

    Putting Interreligious Peace Together: Insights from Two Years of Research

    The project „Religion for Peace: Identifying Conditions and Mechanisms of Interfaith Peace“ explored ways to build and maintain peace between different religious groups. This illustrated summary presents key findings and highlights what we learned about interreligious peace, challenges involved, and ideas about what can be done to put interreligious peace together.

    Schriftenreihe: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung | Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung | 12/2024

    Sanktionen: Mächtige Waffe oder hilfloses Manöver?

    „Sanktionen“ stellt fundiert, verständlich und anschaulich die Möglichkeiten und Fallstricke dieses zentralen Machtinstruments der internationalen Politik im 21. Jahrhundert vor und gibt einen Blick in die Zukunft: Wie werden Sanktionen künftig eingesetzt? Das Buch stellt Maßstäbe vor, die Europa und Deutschland bei der Verhängung ihrer Strafmaßnahmen in Zukunft leiten sollten.

    All GIGA Publications

    By disseminating its research via influential journals and publishers, the GIGA achieves high global visibility and assumes an intellectual-leadership role. Research results regularly appear as peer-reviewed articles or are published in books and anthologies.

    The Institute’s own publications – the GIGA Focus Series, GIGA Journal Family, and GIGA Working Papers – have been freely available online for more than ten years now in accordance with the Open Access principle. This makes the GIGA one of the pioneers of free, wide-ranging access to academic expertise. The GIGA is also co-editor of the journal Iberoamericana.

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 2/2025

    Ten Things to Watch in the Middle East and North Africa in 2025

    From the Gaza War and ethnic conflicts in Lebanon and Syria to the significance of a second Trump administration for the region, the MENA remains of central importance for Europe. We present ten topics that will play a prominent role in relations between the two regions in the year ahead.

    MECAM Papers English | 01/2025

    Female Agency and Colonial Repression: Memory and Archives in Tunisia

    Laying the foundations for deciphering colonialism’s contemporary inertia, with its mechanisms continuing to broadly structure relations with the region, is key. European colonialism traumatically shaped both local societies and the categories typically used for their study. Deconstructing the latter and the dominant narratives inherited from colonialism in rejecting their uncritical use is vital for the present.

    GIGA Journal Family

    The GIGA Journal Family is presided over by Sage, maintaining the “platinum standard” of the Open Access model. Contributions by leading researchers from all over the world feature in our four journals. To ensure their quality, all submissions are evaluated in a double-blind peer-review process.

    GIGA Journal Family


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