Julia Köbrich

Doctoral Researcher

Julia Köbrich

  • Short CV

    • Since 11/2020: Research Fellow at GIGA Institute of African Affairs

    • 06/2020 - 09/2020: Research Assistant at the Department for Peace and Conflict Research (DPCR) at Uppsala University

    • Education: M.SSc. in Peace and Conflict Studies at Uppsala University; B.A. in State Sciences (Social Sciences and Economics) at Erfurt University

    Current Research

    • Religion

    • Social Identities and Social Psychology

    • Moral Foundations Theory

    • Reconciliation

    • Post-Conflict Societies

    Countries and Regions

    • Africa

    Research Programmes


    • How to Foster Interreligious Peace? Determinants and Societal Consequences of Positive and Negative Interreligious Contact in Africa

    Julia Köbrich

    Doctoral Researcher

    T. +49 (0)40 42825 620[email protected]

    Blog Article | 03/2025

    Finding Answers to Societal Division in Togo and Sierra Leone

    People tend to seek out others who are like them. This preference for similarity can result in divided societies as people burrow deeper into like-minded groups. So, in the interest of social cohesion and peace, what would encourage people to engage with others across social divides?

    Yawo Seyram Adiakpo

    International Journal of Intercultural Relations | 2025

    Additive and Multiplicative Effects of Different Forms of Positive and Negative Indirect Intergroup Contact in Predicting Intergroup Attitudes

    Many studies investigated relations between intergroup contact and intergroup attitudes. Yet, additive and multiplicative effects of contact are less researched. We explored the additive effects of four types of indirect contact and whether effects of indirect contact are affected by direct contact.

    Political Psychology | 12/2024

    Overcoming Barriers to Interreligious Peace: Determinants of Preferences for Religiously Similar Others in Togo and Sierra Leone

    This mixed methods paper developed and tested hypotheses on changeable determinants of contact preferences informed by data from Togo and Sierra Leone. Inclusive ideas and knowledge of outgroup practices were associated with weaker, and exclusive ideas with stronger, preferences for similar others.

    Contribution | 10/2024

    Putting Interreligious Peace Together: Insights from Two Years of Research

    The project „Religion for Peace: Identifying Conditions and Mechanisms of Interfaith Peace“ explored ways to build and maintain peace between different religious groups. This illustrated summary presents key findings and highlights what we learned about interreligious peace, challenges involved, and ideas about what can be done to put interreligious peace together.

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 09/2024

    Erfolgsbedingungen interreligiösen Friedens

    The success of interreligious peace hinges on the concept of peace. By adopting an expanded concept of peace, we can apply it to interreligious relations. Our approach defines four elements of interreligious peace from the dimensions of negative and positive peace, as well as behavior and attitude.

    Research Project | 01/08/2024 - 31/07/2026

    Religion for Peace: Investigating Messengers and Messages for Interreligious Peace

    Religious leaders are active for (interreligious) peace in many contexts and, for example, use their rhetoric to advocate for peace. The effectiveness of religious leaders’ rhetoric depends on the interplay of religious leaders being the messengers and the contents of their words—the message itself. This project (re)tests the (comparative) effectiveness of religious leaders as peace messengers and effective content of peace messages. The project also examines effects of an intervention.
    DFG, 2024-2026

    Research Project | 01/11/2020 - 31/07/2024

    Religion for Peace: Identifying Conditions and Mechanisms of Interfaith Peace

    Religion has become an increasingly contentious phenomenon, with religious violence and discrimination on the rise worldwide. However, there are also many societies that are examples of peaceful interreligious coexistence. We contribute to the rigorous empirical study of the link between religion and interfaith peace, especially regarding elements of positive peace like interreligious cooperation.
    DFG, 2020-2024

    Deutsche Welle | Interview | 12/03/2024

    Religion in Africa: High tolerance for other faiths

    Muslims and Christians in much of sub-Saharan Africa have a long history of religious tolerance. Sierra Leone in particular stands out as a positive example.

    Victoire FM | Lomé Bouge Info | Radio Pyramide FM | Actu-Togo | Mention | 27/09/2023

    Reporting on Workshop Lomé: Religion for Peace? Identifying Conditions and Mechanisms of Interfaith Peace

    Local radio and webnews reported on our activities as part of the workshop in Lomé on conditions and mechanisms of interreligious peace.

    Conference | 04/09/2024 - 06/09/2024

    Interreligious relations in Togo and Sierra Leone: Construals of the relationship status

    Conflict Research Society Annual Conference, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Organisers: Conflict Research Society Julia Köbrich (Speaker)

    Declining interreligious peace and rising religiously motivated violence make it important to find ways to foster interreligious peace. Theoretical discussions suggest that construals of intergroup relations, that are people’s understanding of the status of intergroup relations, can sustain both violence and peace. Hence, research on peacebuilding should study construals of intergroup relations.

    Exhibition | 13/07/2024

    Models of Interreligious Tolerance and Peace: Inspirations from Togo and Sierra Leone

    Ausstellungseröffnung 'Sharing Stories' IMBA Galerie, IMBA-Galerie, Hamburg Organisers: IMBA-Galerie Julia Köbrich (Consultant)

    Religion seems to both unite and divide people: There is an increase in religiously motivated discrimination and violence. Nevertheless, in many places, people of different religions live together peacefully. The lecture focused on Togo and Sierra Leone as positive examples of interreligious tolerance and peace, and posed the question of how peaceful coexistence of religions can be achieved.

    Conference | 17/06/2024 - 19/06/2024

    Preparing for contact: studying determinants of individual preferences for interreligious contact in Togo and Sierra Leone

    23rd Jan Tinbergen European Peace Science Conference 2024, Dublin City University, Dublin Julia Köbrich (Speaker)

    Facilitating contact between different groups to reduce prejudice and build trust is key in peacebuilding. Research shows intergroup contact benefits relations, but individual preferences for similar others (homophily) hinder this. Thus, studying what shapes these preferences is crucial for fostering peace.


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