

GIGA researchers are regularly involved in book projects, such as monographs or anthologies.

  • Schriftenreihe: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung | Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung | 12/2024

    Sanktionen: Mächtige Waffe oder hilfloses Manöver?

    „Sanktionen“ stellt fundiert, verständlich und anschaulich die Möglichkeiten und Fallstricke dieses zentralen Machtinstruments der internationalen Politik im 21. Jahrhundert vor und gibt einen Blick in die Zukunft: Wie werden Sanktionen künftig eingesetzt? Das Buch stellt Maßstäbe vor, die Europa und Deutschland bei der Verhängung ihrer Strafmaßnahmen in Zukunft leiten sollten.

    Edited Volume | 06/2024

    América Central: El derecho ante democracias desafiadas

    Within an ongoing global debate on autocratization, the present book aims to study a region that still seems to be insufficiently analyzed in the global discourse: Central America. Nine thematic chapters on El Salvador, Honduras, Guatemala and Nicaragua explore the scope, paths and mechanisms of autocratization, while also examining resistance and opposition, combining legal-political analysis. The chapters hence make contributions with regards to 1. institutions, power structures and mechanisms of autocratization; 2. actors and mechanisms of resistance; and 3. international law, introducing the applicable standards to situations of autocratization.

    Open Access

    Open Access

    The concept of “Open Access” has empowered the GIGA to virtually eliminate the financial, technical, and legal barriers normally faced by many of those seeking to access the Institute’s research findings. This publication strategy ensures that people all around the world have the opportunity to keep up with the latest advances in scholarship.

    Open Access at the GIGA


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