Tevin Tafese

Doctoral Researcher

Tevin Tafese

  • Short CV

    • 2022-2025: Research Project Coordinator, Project "Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains"
    • 2022-2023: Research Project Coordinator, Project "Platforms and Online Workers in India and Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Decent Work"
    • 2019-2022: Research Associate, Project "Research Support to the Special Initiative 'Decent Work for Just Transition' (RéUsSITE)")
    • 2017-2019: Research Associate, Project "Risk, Investment, and Poverty: Dynamics of Micro- and Small Firms in Developing Countries"
    • 2017-today: PhD at the University of Göttingen and the GIGA Doctoral Programme
    • 2015-2017: Master's (MA) degree International Economics at the University of Goettingen
    • 2011-2014: Bachelor's (BA) degree in Socioeconomics at the University of Hamburg and San Diego State University

    Current Research

    • Development Economics, Labour Markets, FDI, Trade, and Structural Change
    • Digitalization, Technology, Venture Capital, and Entrepreneurship

    Countries and Regions

    • Global South, in particular Africa


    • Structural Change and Growth in Africa

    Tevin Tafese

    Doctoral Researcher

    T. +49 40 42825-550[email protected]

    GIGA Working Papers | 11/2023

    From Fields to Factories: Special Economic Zones, Foreign Direct Investment, and Labour Markets in Vietnam

    The local labour-market impacts of special economic zones in Vietnam are examined. SEZs have led to a rapid shift in employment from agriculture and services to manufacturing, accompanied by wage increases and more formal employment, as benefitting most women and less educated younger individuals.

    GIGA Working Papers | 04/2023

    Africa’s Emergent Tech Sector: Its Characteristics and Impact on Development and Labour Markets

    This study investigates the characteristics of Africa’s tech sector and its impact on economic development, specifically on labour markets. Using a novel database, we show how African startups are increasingly driving development through locally adapted “home-grown” digital technologies.

    Report | 2022

    Deutsche Investitionen und Beschäftigung in Afrika – Welche Rolle können öffentliche Fördermaßnahmen spielen?

    Dieser Bericht präsentiert Trends in ausländischen Direktinvestitionen in Afrika und direkte Beschäftigungswirkungen, sowie deutsche Investitionen in Afrika und die Rolle öffentlicher Fördermaßnahmen in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit Afrika.

    GIGA Focus Africa | 5/2021

    Development Cooperation Policy with Africa: Dare for More Coherence

    Development policy plays a crucial role in addressing global as well as African challenges. The authors of this GIGA Focus Africa expect the future German Federal Government to ensure coherence in development policy and joint action by the foreign, economic and environment ministries.

    Research Project | 01/02/2024 - 31/12/2025

    Digital Transformation Lab (DigiTraL), Phase II: Digitalisation as Chance for Cooperation with Global Partners

    GIGA‘s Digital Transformation Lab (DigiTraL), funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, analyses the political drivers and real-world consequences of the digital transformation taking place around the world. The Global South in particular is an important actor in and shaper of this transformation.
    FFO, 2024-2025

    Research Project | 01/07/2022 - 31/03/2023

    Platforms and Online Workers in India and Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Decent Work

    Technological advances and digitalisation are rapidly transforming the world of work, and the emergence of online labour platforms is one manifestation of this. The resulting labour market outcomes and dynamics are not well understood, particularly in the Global South. This project consists of a series of four studies that contribute to understanding the characteristics and dynamics of online work in India and selected African countries.
    GIZ, 2022-2023

    Research Project | 01/09/2020 - 31/07/2025

    Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains

    The aim of the research network is to contribute to the sustainability of global supply chains through research. It initiates new research, pools the expertise of leading scientists around the world and makes new findings accessible for political decision-makers and other stakeholders. The network is hosted by a consortium of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) , the GIGA, the Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IfW) and the German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP).
    BMZ, 2020-2025

    Research Project | 01/08/2019 - 31/12/2025

    Research Support to the Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition“ (RéUsSITE)

    With the African population expected to double by 2050, 20 million new jobs are needed annually. The increasing importance of employment creation led the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to establish the Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition“. The GIGA offers research support and advice to this initiative.
    BMZ, 2019-2023

    Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains | Other | 14/02/2024

    Do not stop European supply chain regulation

    In a statement, Jann Lay and Tevin Tafese argue with colleagues from the "Research Network Sustainable Global Supply Chains" why European regulation for sustainable supply chains makes sense.

    Other | 02/10/2023 - 03/10/2023

    Neue Wege, neues Wissen: Forschung und Journalismus global und digital

    Bürgerfest zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit., Hamburg Désirée Reder (Moderator, Panelist), Dr. Nora Kürzdörfer (Panelist), Tevin Tafese (Panelist), Udo Schmidt (Moderator), Philipp Abresch (Panelist), Philipp Weber (Panelist), Düzen Tekkal (Panelist)

    Digitale Medien haben die Wissensvermittlung revolutioniert. Forscher:innen des GIGA und Journalisten des NDR werden bei der Gesprächsrunde am 2. Oktober über ihre Arbeit sowie neue Informationswege und Formen der Wissensvermittlung berichten.

    Teaching | University of Göttingen | 2021

    Controversies in Development Economics

    University of Göttingen Göttingen Germany

    Teaching | Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | 2019

    What is the Role of the Unofficial Economy in Economic Development?

    Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Berlin Germany

    Teaching | University of Göttingen | 2018

    Controversies in Development Economics

    University of Göttingen Göttingen Germany



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