Regina Schnars (née Dworschak)

Doctoral Researcher

Regina Schnars (née Dworschak)

  • Short CV

    • Since 11/2019: Research Fellow at GIGA Institute of African Affairs, project Research Support to the Special Initiative "Decent work for a just transition" (RéUsSITE)

    • 07/2018 - 07/2019: Student assistant at the Chair of International Economic Policy, University of Göttingen

    • 03/2016 - 07/2016: Internship at the MEP Office Dr. Joachim Schuster, European Parliament, Brussels

    • 08/2014 - 07/2015: Student assistant at the Chair of International Economics, University of Applied Sciences Bremen

    • Studium: M.A. Development Economics, University of Göttingen; B.A. International Degree Programme Economics, University of Applied Sciences Bremen; semester abroad: Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) & Stellenbosch (South Africa)

    Current Research

    • Foreign direct investments

    • Training and job creation

    Countries and Regions

    • Africa


    • Foreign Direct Investment and the Creation of Productive Employment in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Regina Schnars (née Dworschak)

    Doctoral Researcher

    T. +49 (0)40 42825-532[email protected]

    Economist - Netherlands | 10/2024

    Employment Effects of Skills Trainings in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Systematic Review of Recent Randomized Controlled Trials

    How effective are skills training programs in sub-Saharan Africa at improving participants’ skills, employment perspectives and income? This systematic review analyses recent, randomized studies conducted between 2019 and 2024, painting a slightly more optimistic picture than earlier studies.

    Report | 2022

    Deutsche Investitionen und Beschäftigung in Afrika – Welche Rolle können öffentliche Fördermaßnahmen spielen?

    Dieser Bericht präsentiert Trends in ausländischen Direktinvestitionen in Afrika und direkte Beschäftigungswirkungen, sowie deutsche Investitionen in Afrika und die Rolle öffentlicher Fördermaßnahmen in der deutschen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit mit Afrika.

    Other Report | German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) | 06/2021

    Zwischenergebnisse im Arbeitspaket 1 – Rigorose Messung von Wirkungen der Maßnahmen der Sonderinitiative

    Dieser Zwischenbericht befasst sich mit rigorosen Wirkungsevaluationen („rigorous impact evaluations“, RIE) von Maßnahmen der Sonderinitiative Ausbildung und Beschäftigung (SI Jobs).

    Other Report | German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) | 06/2020

    Skills Development and Training Interventions in Africa: Findings, Challenges, and Opportunities

    The substantive focus of this briefing is on training and related support programs, in which funding is deployed to implementing organizations to directly assist beneficiaries.

    Research Project | 01/08/2019 - 31/12/2025

    Research Support to the Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition“ (RéUsSITE)

    With the African population expected to double by 2050, 20 million new jobs are needed annually. The increasing importance of employment creation led the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to establish the Special Initiative “Decent Work for a Just Transition“. The GIGA offers research support and advice to this initiative.
    BMZ, 2019-2023


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