Julia Köbrich / Yawo Seyram Adiakpo

Finding Answers to Societal Division in Togo and Sierra Leone

Blog Article | 2025

  • Abstract

    People tend to seek out others who are like them. This preference for similarity can result in divided societies as people burrow deeper into like-minded groups.
    Scientists have long known that positive interactions between groups can reduce prejudice and build trust. However, bringing people together is hard when their instinct is to stay siloed amongst people like them. So, in the interest of social cohesion and peace, what would encourage people to engage with others across social divides?

    Research Programmes


    Society for Personality and Social Psychology

    Yawo Seyram Adiakpo

    Yawo Seyram Adiakpo

    Research Comic | 2024

    The Making of Interreligious Peace

    Sometimes, people belonging to different religions do not get along well. In 2022 we travelled to Sierra Leone and Togo where interreligious relations were very peaceful. This comic depicts some examples of how to make interreligious peace: celebrating together, collaborating, being friends, and respecting each other despite differences.


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