Dr. David Kuehn

Senior Research Fellow | Coordinator GIGA Forum

Dr. David Kuehn

  • Short CV

    • 04/2018 - 06/2019: Speaker of Research Team "Authoritarian Politics", Research Programme 1

    • Since 01/2018: Senior Research Fellow, GIGA Institute for Asian Studies

    • 2015 - 2017: Senior Research Fellow and Principal Investigator, Heidelberg University, Research project “Dictators’ Endgames: Theory and Empirical Analysis of Military Behavior in Authoritarian Regime Crises, 1946-2014”, funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)

    • 06/2015 - 09/2015: Senior Research Fellow, Heidelberg University, Institute of Political Science

    • 03/2013 - 05/2015: Senior Research Fellow, Heidelberg University, Project on “Democratic Transformation and Civilian Control of the Military: A Configurative Comparison of New Democracies (1974-2010)” funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)

    • 12/2012 - 02/2013: Research Fellow, Heidelberg University, Institute of Political Science

    • 11/2008 - 11/2012: Research Fellow, Heidelberg University, Project on “Democratization and Civilian Control of the Military in East Asia” funded by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG)

    • 04/2008 - 10/ 2008: PhD Scholarship, Baden-Württemberg Graduate Foundation (Landesgraduiertenförderung, LGFG)

    • 10/2006 - 03/2008: Lecturer, Institute of Political Science, Heidelberg University

    • Education: MA in Political Science and Modern Chinese Studies, Heidelberg University (Germany), Chinese Culture University and Chinese National Normal University Taipei (Taiwan); Dissertation “Institutionalizing Civilian Control of the Military in New Democracies” at Heidelberg University, Germany


    • Extended Curriculum Vitae

    Current Research

    • Civil-military relations

    • Democratization

    • Authoritarianism

    • Research methods

    Countries and Regions

    • Taiwan

    • South Korea


    • Democratization, Editor in charge of book review section, since 2013
    • European Research Group on Military and Society, Co-ordinator of Working Group "Civilian Control of the Military", 2009 - 2019


    • The Giuseppe Caforio ERGOMAS Award for the Best Book: "Routes to Reform: Civil-Military Relations and Democracy in the Third Wave"., European Research Group on Military and Society (ERGOMAS), 2024

    Dr. David Kuehn

    Senior Research Fellow / Coordinator GIGA Forum

    T. +49 (40) 428874-33[email protected]

    Oxford Studies in Democratization | Oxford University Press | 03/2023

    Routes to Reform: Civil-Military Relations and Democracy in the Third Wave

    This book examines the conditions under which new democracies succeed or fail in establishing firm and lasting civilian control of the military.

    Sociological Methods and Research | 03/2022

    Do Quantitative and Qualitative Research Reflect Two Distinct Cultures? An Empirical Analysis of 180 Articles Suggests “No”

    Based on the empirical evaluation of a stratified random sample of 180 publications, Kuehn and Rohlfing cast doubt on the popular hypothesis that the application of quantitative and qualitative methods in the social sciences constitute different and internally consistent methods “cultures”.

    Edited Volume | Lynne Rienner Publishers | 05/2021

    Mobilizing Force: Linking Security Threats, Militarization, and Civilian Control in Democracies

    The authors of Mobilizing Force draw on case studies from around the world to systematically examine critical questions of the use of military force by democratic goverments, exploring the interrelationships among security threats, the militarization of security policy, and democratic accountability.

    GIGA Focus Asia | 4/2024

    Taiwan’s New President: Priorities and Challenges

    Taiwan’s newly inaugurated President William Lai has pledged to steer a steady course in domestic, cross-Strait, and foreign policy. This GIGA Focus Asia assesses the challenges he will face between navigating a divided government, acute pressure from China, as well as a global landscape in flux.

    GIGA Focus Asia | 2/2024

    Remilitarisation in Asia: Trends and Implications

    In recent years, many Asian countries have experienced a remilitarisation of state and society. This GIGA Focus traces the military’s increasing influence over politics, society, and the economy in the region, and highlights its adverse effects for democracy, development, and regional stability.

    GIGA Working Papers | 01/2024

    Personnel, Institutions, and Power: Revisiting the Concept of Executive Personalisation

    Evidence shows a growing trend of chief executives personalising power in autocracies and democracies. Yet, scholarly focus remains siloed according to regime type. This Working Paper presents an overarching framework on the “Personalisation of Executive Power,” identifying the involved mechanisms.

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 2024

    Autocratization and the Military

    While military coups have become rarer since the end of the Cold War, militaries still can play various roles in demolishing democracy. Some militaries actively support civilians’ efforts to undo democratic institutions, while others stand idly at the sidelines watching democracy unravel. In rare cases, military resistance helps guard autocratization.

    Monograph | Oxford University Press | 2024

    Dictators' Endgames

    This book explores the pivotal role of the military in “dictators’ endgames” — large-scale nonviolent protests in autocracies demanding regime change. It reveals why some militaries repress protests, back the opposition, or stage coups, using a unique dataset and a multi-method analysis of 40 cases from 1946-2014.

    Research Project | 15/01/2022 - 14/12/2024

    COVID-19 and Executive Personalization in Sub-Saharan Africa, Asia, Latin America and the MENA Region

    In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, political leaders reacted by containment measures that, next to combating the spread of the pandemic, also presented a window of opportunity to bolster executives’ personal grasp on power. Personalization of power has been particularly worrying in the Global South where constraints on the chief executives were often already weak prior to the pandemic. This project assesses the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the personalization of executive power in 36 countries of the Global South.
    DFG, 2021-2024

    Research Project | 01/03/2021 - 31/08/2022

    (Un-)healthy Civil-Military Relations? Militarization of State Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic in Latin America and Asia-Pacific

    A number of governments in Latin America and Asia-Pacific have given their militaries wide-ranging responsibilities to counter the COVID-19 pandemic. While the militarization of politics and public life partly precedes the pandemic, COVID-19 acts as a major stress test. States have mobilized the military to support civilian health systems and administrative agencies, and to uphold public order. This project examines the role the military plays in the COVID-19 pandemic response in 36 countries in Asia-Pacific and Latin America.
    Volkswagen Foundation, 2021-2022

    Research Project | 01/10/2015 - 01/05/2019

    The Dictator's Endgame: Theory and Empirical Analysis of Military Behavior in Authoritarian Regime Crises, 1946 - 2014

    The military determines the outcomes of peaceful mass protests in dictatorships. The project explains the outcome of authoritarian regime crises as the result of the strategic behavior of the military leadership who will repress the protests, side with the protesters, or stage a coup depending on which option maximizes their benefits. The argument is tested empirically on an original quantitative dataset on all mass protests dictatorships worldwide between 1946 and 2014.
    DFG, 2015-2019

    GEO | Interview | 21/02/2025

    Der Code der Staatsstreiche: Wann Putsche gelingen – und wann sie scheitern

    Warum gelingen manche Staatsstreiche, während andere scheitern? Im Interview erklärt Experte Dr. David Kuehn die Mechanismen hinter erfolgreichen und gescheiterten Putschen, beleuchtet historische Beispiele und gibt Einblicke in aktuelle Entwicklungen.

    Fair Observer | Other | 10/01/2024

    Taiwan’s 2024 Election Between Chinese Disinformation and Democratic Survival

    In January 2024, Taiwanese citizens will elect a new president and parliament. China, which considers Taiwan a renegade province, is trying to influence the outcome through political, military and economic pressure. China is also attempting to sway Taiwanese public opinion. How resilient are Taiwan’s state authorities and civil society actors?

    BTI Blog | Article | 10/01/2024

    Taiwan’s 2024 Election: Between Chinese Interference and Democratic Resilience

    In January 2024, Taiwanese citizens will elect a new president and parliament. China is trying to influence the outcome through political, military, and economic pressure, as well as by attempting to sway Taiwanese public opinion. How resilient are Taiwan’s state authorities and civil society actors?

    Conference | 12/08/2024 - 15/08/2024

    Thriving or Thwarted? Examining Chief Executives and their Constraining Counterparts amidst the COVID-19 Pandemic

    ECPR General Conference 2024, University College Dublin, Dublin Dr. Martin Acheampong (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Mariana Llanos (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter (Speaker), Dr. David Kuehn (Speaker), Andrea Emilia Arellano Castillo (Speaker)

    Dr. Martin Acheampong presents the paper "The Hour of the Executive: Conceptualizing and Mapping the Personalization of Executive Power during the COVID-19 Pandemic" co-authored by him and GIGA researchers Emilia Arellano, Dr. David Kuehn, Prof. Dr Mariana Llanos, Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter.

    Teaching | Heidelberg University | 2020

    Game-theoretic Models in Comparative Politics

    Heidelberg University Heidelberg Germany

    Teaching | GIGA Institute for Asian Studies | Accountability and Participation | GIGA Doctoral Programme | 2019

    An Introduction to the Logic and Practice of Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA)

    GIGA Doctoral Programme

    Teaching | Swiss Military Academy, ETH Zurich | 2019

    Democratic Control of the Military

    Swiss Military Academy, ETH Zurich Zurich Switzerland


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