Authoritarian Turn

It is not only non-democratic regimes that resort to authoritarian practices. They can increasingly be found in use also in formally democratic states, as the examples of shrinking civic space, populism, and democratic backsliding show.

Authoritarian Turn

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    Current Research

    Countries and Regions

    Audio file X-Space Venezuela, 29.7.2024, a conversation with Sabine Kurtenbach, Maryhen Jimenez Morales, Jesus Renzullo, and Mariana Llanos
    Audio file X-Space Venezuela, 29.7.2024, a conversation with Sabine Kurtenbach, Maryhen Jimenez Morales, Jesus Renzullo, and Mariana Llanos

    GIGA Insights | 31/01/2025

    Venezuela at a Turning Point? The Elections and an Uncertain Future

    On 28 July 2024 the people of Venezuela were called to elect a new president. The elections took place amid controversy, with the National Election Council declaring President Nicolás Maduro the winner without evidence. Despite far-reaching protests, Maduro was inaugurated as the new president in January 2025. Our experts delve into the elections’ credibility, the opposition’s counterefforts, and international reactions.

    Research Project | 01/04/2023 - 31/03/2029

    Merian Center for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM): Imagining Futures - Dealing with Disparity, Phase II

    The Merian Centre for Advanced Studies in the Maghreb (MECAM) based in Tunis is the first and only Institute for Advanced Studies in North Africa. MECAM’s ambition is to become an intellectual hub that contributes to the emergence of cutting-edge, internationally relevant and visible research in the humanities and social sciences on, from and in the Maghreb and in particular with scholars from the Maghreb. The GIGA coordinates MECAM's publications as well as outreach and transfer activities.
    BMBF, 2023-2029

    GIGA Focus Global | 1/2025

    The Global South and German Foreign Policy under the Next Government

    Geopolitical rivalry with China, the collapse of Russia as a trading partner, and the radical paradigm shift in US foreign policy under Trump evince a core truth: Germany needs reliable partners in the Global South. How can the incoming government best respond? Four trends to note are outlined.

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 2/2025

    Ten Things to Watch in the Middle East and North Africa in 2025

    From the Gaza War and ethnic conflicts in Lebanon and Syria to the significance of a second Trump administration for the region, the MENA remains of central importance for Europe. We present ten topics that will play a prominent role in relations between the two regions in the year ahead.

    GIGA Focus Africa | 1/2025

    Ten Things to Watch in Africa in 2025

    Despite progress in some countries and issue areas, increasing pressure on governments is set to continue in 2025. Democratic prospects are mixed; security challenges persist. Regional integration stands at a crossroads as German and EU Africa policy navigates competition with China and others.

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 7/2024

    Expansion of the Russo–Iranian Nexus

    Sanction evasion, economic and military collaboration, and narratives of resistance against a US-led liberal global order bind Russia and Iran together. To thwart their continued and intensified power projection, the West needs to strengthen ties with other key actors in the Middle East and Eurasia.

    Federal Office for Migration and Refugees | 25/02/2025

    Exchange on Nicaragua: current situation and developments of the last 7 years

    Organiser: Federal Office for Migration and Refugees Désirée Marlen Reder (Consultant)

    Im Austausch mit der Länderanalystin reflektierten wir über die aktuelle Lage in Nicaragua. Anlass war die Ende 2024 durchgebrachte umfängliche Änderung der Verfassung, sowie damit im Zusammenhang stehende Reformpakete. Insbesondere die Sicherheit für Menschenrechtsaktivisten, Journalisten, Oppositionelle, Universität Mitarbeiter, sowie deren Angehörige standen im Fokus des Gesprächs. Auch die aktuellen Abschiebungen aus den USA und die möglichen Konsequenzen für die Betroffenen war Inhalt des Gesprächs.

    Workshop | 18/11/2024 - 19/11/2024

    Burundi Ahead of the 2025 Elections: Authoritarian Continuities and Shrinking Spaces Instead of a “New Window of Hope”?

    Burundi in East Africa: Opportunities and Challenges
    , Freiburg Organisers: Arnold Bergstraesser Institute Dr. Julia Grauvogel (Speaker)

    Burundi’s thorny experience of multiparty politics degenerating into a protracted and brutal civil war created the basis of a new start. Yet, power sharing did not preclude authoritarian backsliding. Which adaptations are necessary to guarantee inclusive participation, fair representation and empirical legitimacy of state institutions?

    Conference | 11/11/2024 - 16/11/2024

    Taking Audiences of Political Discourse Seriously: Justifications of Repression and Their Reception in the Tunisian Uprising

    MESA Annual Meeting 2024, Online Organisers: Middle East Studies Association Dr. Maria Josua (Speaker)

    At the virtual Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, Maria Josua presented the results of her DFG-funded project on how the Tunisian president's speeches were received during the Arab uprisings in 2010-2011.

    President (ad interim)

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach is President (ad interim) of the GIGA.

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach

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