Diba Mirzaei

Doctoral Researcher

Diba Mirzaei

  • Short CV

    • Since 10/2021: Doctoral Researcher at the GIGA Institute for Middle East Studies Doctoral thesis: Iran's Foreign Policy towards Saudi Arabia from 1971-1979: the Twin Pillar Policy and its Effects

    • Since 2021: Co-Founder of DIVERSITRY

    • 2018 - 2020: German Federal Foreign Office (Auswärtiges Amt) – Division: Humanitarian Assistance – Policy, International Organizations, Multilateral Coordination

    • Education: M.A. in International Relations - University of Groningen in Groningen/NL; B.Sc. in European Studies - University of Twente in Enschede/NL

    Current Research

    • Persian Gulf politics

    • Geopolitics

    • Security in the Persian Gulf

    • Feminist Foreign Policy

    Countries and Regions

    • Persian Gulf

    • Iran and Saudi Arabia


    • Iran's Foreign Policy towards Saudi Arabia from 1971-1979: The Twin Pillar Policy and its Effects

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 6/2022

    Iran’s Uprisings: A Feminist Foreign Policy Approach

    Iran’s uprisings carry strong implications for states that have adopted a feminist foreign policy. For Germany, this is an opportunity to showcase the potential of its recent turn towards a new feminist foreign policy agenda.

    Frankfurter Rundschau | Expert Comment / Guest Contribution | 17/03/2024

    Baerbocks Außenpolitik: ein feministischer Flickenteppich

    Südwest Presse | Quote | 17/02/2023

    Patenschaften für iranische Gefangene von deutschen Politikern – Was steckt dahinter?

    Immer öfter treten vor allem Politiker aus dem Bundestag in die Öffentlichkeit und verkünden die Übernahme einer politischen Patenschaft für iranische Gefangene. Was hat es damit auf sich?


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