Prof. Dr. Eckart Woertz

Director of the GIGA Institute for Middle East Studies | Editor GIGA Focus Middle East

Prof. Dr. Eckart Woertz

  • Short CV

    • Since 10/2019: Director of GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies, Hamburg

    • Since 10/2019: Professor for contemporary history and politics of the Middle East at the University of Hamburg

    • 2012 - 2019: Senior Research Fellow, Barcelona Centre for International Affairs (CIDOB)

    • Since 2013: Adjunct Lecturer, Barcelona Institute of International Studies (IBEI)

    • 2016 - 2018: Scientific Advisor to the Kuwait Chair at Sciences Po, Paris

    • Spring 2014: KSP Visiting Professor, Paris School of International Affairs (PSIA), Sciences Po

    • 2009 - 2012: Visiting Research Fellow, Princeton University

    • 2006 - 2010: Director of Economic Studies, Gulf Research Center (GRC), Dubai

    • 2000 - 2006: Work for banks in Frankfurt, Mainz and Dubai in equity and fixed income trading

    • Education: PhD in Economics (Political Science and Islamic Studies as minors) Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (1999); Free University of Berlin (1995-1996); M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies (Political Science, Economics, Islamic Studies), Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg (1995); Institut Français d'Études Arabes de Damas and University of Damascus (1993-1994)

    Current Research

    • Contemporary history of Iraq (1979-2003)

    • Political Economy of the Middle East

    • Energy and food security

    • Euro-Mediterranean Cooperation

    Countries and Regions

    • Gulf region

    • Iraq

    • Egypt

    • Syria


    • Marco Polo book series of Department of Asian and North African Studies of Ca’ Foscari University, Venice, Member of editorial board, since 2021
    • Review of Economics and Political Science, Editorial Board Member of Review of Economics and Political Science, journal of the American University of Cairo, since 2020
    • Association for Gulf and Arabian Peninsula Studies, Member of Advisory Board, since 2019
    • German Middle East Studies Association for Contemporary Research and Documentation, Member of DAVO, since 2019
    • Food Security, Member of editorial board of Food Security, since 2013
    • Middle East Studies Association, Membership in region-specific association or network, since 2013
    • Journal of Arabian Studies, Member of editorial board, since 2010

    Prof. Dr. Eckart Woertz

    Director of the GIGA Institute for Middle East Studies / Editor GIGA Focus Middle East

    T. +49 (40) 42825-504[email protected]

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 2/2025

    Ten Things to Watch in the Middle East and North Africa in 2025

    From the Gaza War and ethnic conflicts in Lebanon and Syria to the significance of a second Trump administration for the region, the MENA remains of central importance for Europe. We present ten topics that will play a prominent role in relations between the two regions in the year ahead.

    Middle East Journal | 07/2024

    Special Issue Introduction: Iraq since 2003

    Today, the United States’ invasion of Iraq in 2003 is widely regarded as a strategic failure that caused tremendous humanitarian suffering, especially in its aftermath. Two decades later there is a shift in memory culture toward the inclusion of more Iraqi voices and alternative approaches.

    Dr. Achim Rohde

    Academy in Exile

    Middle East Journal | 07/2024

    The Iraq War as a War over the Meaning of Europe

    The Iraq War of 2003 has been described as a conflict over the meaning of Europe between a transatlantic and a more independent, “Carolingian” vision of the continent. As such, it highlighted the continued importance of a US-led NATO for defining such meaning.

    GIGA Focus Middle East | 1/2024

    Ten Things to Watch in the Middle East and North Africa in 2024

    From the Gaza War to other regional conflicts and the lasting importance of oil, the Middle East and North Africa region remains pivotal for Europe. We present ten issues that will play a central role in the relationship between both regions in the year ahead.

    International Journal of Environmental Studies | 01/2024

    Europe’s Brazil?: How Ukraine Could Transform Europe’s Role in Global Food Supply

    Ukraine is an untapped asset. It presents opportunities both nationally and for Europe as an engine of foreign policy in a century troubled by climate change and resources scarcity. Its 32 million ha of arable could easily become 40 million ha which would add 25% of new cropland to the European Union – from 160 million to 200 million ha – making Europe the world’s largest agricultural producer.

    Research Project | 01/10/2024 - 30/09/2027

    World Order Narratives of the Global South, Phase II

    In its second funding phase, the WONAGO project continues to investigate powerful world order narratives in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia. It particularly aims to understand those perceptions in these regions that - as currently in the Ukraine war - differ significantly from prevailing ideas in the U.S., the EU, and their allies.
    BMBF, 2024-2027

    Research Project | 01/07/2022 - 30/06/2025

    Transfer for Transformation – Knowledge Exchange with Global Reach (T4T)

    Transfer for Transformation (T4T) is an application lab. T4T will innovate in the practice of knowledge transfer through consequent target-group-integration and novel access strategies. It will also advance the scholarship on the subject by analysing the effectiveness and impact of different types of knowledge transfer.
    Leibniz Association, 2022-2025

    Research Project | 01/05/2021 - 31/12/2025

    SAGE-Centre: Sustainable Adaptation to Global Change in the Middle East

    The overarching goal of SAGE is to contribute to sharing of and exposure to knowledge and capacity-building in disciplines relevant for sustainable resource management, to conduct multilateral, inter- and transdisciplinary research on areas of concern, and to make cutting-edge, relevant research available for decision-makers.
    DAAD, 2021-2025

    Research Project | 01/04/2021 - 31/03/2024

    World Order Narratives of the Global South (WONAGO)

    The decades since the late twentieth century are marked by the end of the bipolar world order and the rise of countries of the Global South. Most explanations focus on political and economic power shifts and do not pay much attention to ideas of order, especially those prevalent in the Global South. To provide a more inclusive perspective, this project researches world order narratives in Latin America, Africa, Middle East and Asia. It is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research as part of its Area Studies strategy.
    BMBF, 2021-2024

    Tagesschau 24 | Interview | 19/01/2025

    Waffenruhe im Gazastreifen hat begonnen

    Die Waffenruhe in Gaza hat begonnen. Aber: "Ein Waffenstillstand ist kein Friedensvertrag", sagt Prof. Dr. Eckart Woertz bei Tagesschau24. Der GIGA-Experte ordnet die aktuelle Entwicklung des Konflikts zwischen Israel und der Hamas im Interview ein. 

    Deutschlandfunk | Interview | 17/01/2025

    Hamas ist geschwächt, aber weiterhin relevant

    Wenn alles glatt läuft, kommt bald die Waffenruhe in Gaza. Allerdings fehlt ein Plan für die Zeit danach, gibt GIGA-Experte Prof. Dr. Eckart Woertz zu bedenken. Die Hamas werde wohl eine Rolle spielen, trotz ihrer politischen und militärischen Schwäche.

    SWR | Interview | 17/01/2025

    Nahost: Warum der Waffenruhe-Deal halten könnte

    Mit SWR-Aktuell-Moderator Andreas Böhnisch spricht GIGA-Experte Prof. Dr. Eckart Woertz über das Abkommen zur Waffenruhe in Gaza. 

    Teaching | Princeton University | 2025

    Oil, Energy and the Middle East

    Lecture as part of a course at Princeton University, USA

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2024

    Der Israelisch-Palästinensische Konflikt: Von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart

    Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2024

    Der zweite Weltkrieg im Nahen Osten und Nordafrika

    Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany


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