Dr. Niklas Krösche

Research Fellow

Dr. Niklas Krösche

  • Short CV

    • 2018–2022: Research Fellow in the research project "Sources and Consequences of Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations (LegRO)"
    • 2018–2023: Doctoral Student at the GIGA Doctoral Programme
      Education: PhD in Political Science, Leuphana University Lüneburg; M.A. in Global Politics: Structures and Frontiers, Georg-August-University Göttingen; B.A. in Political Science, Georg-August-University Göttingen.

    Current Research

    • Refugee Governance
    • Europe-Africa Cooperation
    • Regional Security in Africa
    • African Regional Organisations

    Countries and Regions

    • Africa


    • Explaining African Union Conflict and Crisis Interventions. The Drivers and Dynamics of Security Regionalism in Africa

    Dr. Niklas Krösche

    Research Fellow

    [email protected]

    Research Ethics | 08/2024

    Ethical Research in the German Social Sciences: Exploring the Significance and Challenges of Institutionalized Research Ethics Practices

    This article explores two key facets of institutionalized ethical review processes in Germany: their importance in shaping ethical research and their associated challenges. To address these challenges, this article emphasizes the need for expanding the current management of research ethics and implementing what we call “Institutionalized Research Ethics Practices’’ (IREPs).

    International Studies Perspectives | 05/2023

    The Legitimation of International Organizations: Introducing a New Dataset

    This article introduces a new dataset on how international organizations (IOs) justify their authority.

    Dataset | 2022

    Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations (LegRO)

    In an era of increasing political challenges to global and regional organizations, it is crucial to understand how they claim legitimacy and how successful they are in this respect. Yet, we know surprisingly little about the sources and consequences of legitimation in most regional organizations worldwide. In this project, we thus map the legitimation strategies of a sample of 28 organizations between 1980 and 2019.


    Research Project | 01/06/2018 - 01/05/2023

    Sources and Consequences of Legitimation Strategies of Regional Organizations (LegRO)

    In an era of increasing political challenges to global and regional organizations, it is crucial to understand how they claim legitimacy, and how successful they are in this respect. Yet, we know surprisingly little about the sources and consequences of legitimation in most regional organizations around the world. In this project we thus map the legitimation strategies of a sample of 30 organizations and conduct qualitative comparative case studies on major organizations in the Global South.
    Leibniz Association, 2018-2023

    Workshop | 24/11/2021

    How do I navigate ethical and safety concerns in challenging research contexts?

    How do I navigate ethical and safety concerns in challenging research contexts? , Online Event Organisers: Leibniz Association Swantje Schirmer (Organiser), Dr. Niklas Krösche (Organiser)

    How do I navigate ethical and safety concerns in challenging research contexts? Reflections from participants based on their own field experiences

    Swantje Schirmer


    Workshop | 15/07/2021

    Doctoral Workshop: DIY Digital Research Methods

    Doctoral Workshop: DIY Digital Research Methods, Online Event Magdalena H. Góralska (Speaker), Désirée Reder (Organiser), Swantje Schirmer (Organiser), Clara-Auguste Süß (Organiser), Dr. Niklas Krösche (Organiser), Dr. Lisa Hoffmann (Organiser), Stephanie Jänsch (Organiser), Dr. Katja Girr (Organiser)

    Magdalena H. Góralska

    Swantje Schirmer

    Clara-Auguste Süß

    Dr. Katja Girr

    Panel discussion | 11/06/2021

    Digital Research Methods – Opportunities, Pitfalls and Challenges

    Digital Research Methods – Opportunities, Pitfalls and Challenges, Online Event Désirée Reder (Organiser), Swantje Schirmer (Organiser), Dr. Niklas Krösche (Organiser), Dr. Lisa Hoffmann (Organiser), Clara-Auguste Süß (Organiser), Prof. Dr. Bella Dicks (Speaker)

    Digital Research Methods – Opportunities, Pitfalls and Challenges

    Swantje Schirmer

    Clara-Auguste Süß

    Prof. Dr. Bella Dicks


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