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  • Postdoctoral Research Fellow (m/f/d) – Geopolitics and Geo-Economics

    The GIGA seeks to appoint a Postdoctoral Research Fellow (m/f/d) in the area of Geopolitics and geo-economics with a focus on China/Asia. Applications are invited for a full-time position, with the offer of an initial three-year contract. The successful applicant should start as soon as possible, and the position is designed to support further professional qualification, as defined in § 2 WissZeitVG (Academic Fixed-Term Contract Act). The salary is commensurate with EG 13 TV-AVH / TVöD.

    Video GIGA Forum Autocracies, 21.8.24
    Video GIGA Forum Autocracies, 21.8.24

    GIGA Forum | 21/08/2024

    Letting Both Sides Speak? Reporting on Authoritarian Regimes in Democratic Media

    Journalism seeks to be impartial in the sense of “both sides being heard.” When democratic media report on authoritarian regimes, this allows autocracies to spread propaganda and influence what people think of them. Media reporting on non-democratic states must avoid reproducing regime narratives and disinformation.

    Audio file X-Space Venezuela, 29.7.2024, a conversation with Sabine Kurtenbach, Maryhen Jimenez Morales, Jesus Renzullo, and Mariana Llanos
    Audio file X-Space Venezuela, 29.7.2024, a conversation with Sabine Kurtenbach, Maryhen Jimenez Morales, Jesus Renzullo, and Mariana Llanos

    GIGA Insights | 31/07/2024

    Venezuela at a Turning Point? The Elections and an Uncertain Future

    Venezuela’s 2024 elections took place amid controversy, with the National Election Council declaring President Nicolás Maduro the winner without evidence. Our experts delve into the elections’ credibility, the opposition’s counterefforts, and international reactions. Read their assessments and listen to their in-depth analysis.

    Contribution | 2024

    Pictures of Religion and Interreligious Relations in Everyday Life

    For a photo project Togolese and Sierra Leonean participants took photos of religion and interreligious relations in their everyday life. This documentation of the project displays their diverse perspectives and invites observers to reflect on religion and interreligious relations in their lives.

    GIGA Focus Global | 2/2024

    Why Just Energy Transition Partnerships Are Not Enough

    JETPs are envisioned as catalysts for socially just energy transitions in fossil fuel-dependent countries. Yet, shortcomings of the mechanism, political-economic structures, and the initial implementation plans of South Africa, Indonesia, and Vietnam leave major doubts this goal will be reached.


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