Houssein Al Malla

Doctoral Researcher | Representative of Doctoral Researchers

Houssein Al Malla

  • Short CV

    • Since January 2025: Senior Research Fellow at the Lebanese American University, Institute for Social Justice and Conflict Resolution (ISJCR) and Institute for Migration Studies (IMS) in the research project: "International Interventions in Lebanon", funded by the Carnegie Center. 
    • March - June 2023: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of African Affairs in the research project: "The monopoly on the use of force and paradoxes of security – discrepancies between objective and subjective security in the Central African Republic and Lebanon"
    • Since January 2023: Representative of Doctoral Researchers at the GIGA Doctoral Program.
    • Since October 2022 Doctoral Researcher at the GIGA Doctoral Program. Provisionary Dissertation Title: Personality and Foreign Policy: The Role of Political Psychology in Accounting for the Outcomes of International Sanctions.
    • August - September 2022: Student Research Assistant at the Goethe-Universität Frankfurt (Regional Research Center Transformations of Political Violence (TraCe)).
    • October 2021 - September 2022: Student Research Assistant at the Peace Research Institute, Frankfurt (Research Group on Terrorism).
    • November 2021 - March 2022: Graduate Teaching Assistant at the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt (Public Administration and Finance Module).
    • November 2021 - September 2022: Editorial Assistant for the Africa Spectrum Journal.
    • August 2021 - Present: Student Assistant at the Rule of Law Programme, Middle East and North Africa, of the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung.
    • August 2021 - August 2022: Student Research Assistant at the German Institute for Global and Area Studies (Project: The Termination of International Sanctions: Causes, Processes, and Domestic Consequences).
    • 2020 - 2022: Masters of Public Policy (MPP) from the Willy Brandt School of Public Policy at the University of Erfurt, Germany (recipient of the Dietmar Herz Award and the Director's Certificate of Merit for Outstanding Academic Achievement). DAAD Helmut Schmidt Scholar for Public Policy and Good Governance.
    • 2018: Visiting Student at the Paris Institute of Political Studies, (Sciences Po), Paris.
    • 2016 - 2019: Bachelor's degree in Political Science / International Affairs with a minor in Conflict Analysis and Resolution (with Honors) from the Lebanese American University, Beirut. 

    Current Research

    • International Sanctions
    • Foreign Policy Analysis
    • Political Psychology
    • Leadership Trait Analysis
    • International Security

    Countries and Regions

    • Sub-Saharan Africa
    • Middle East and North Africa (MENA) 
    • Lebanon
    • Iran


    • Personality and Foreign Policy: The Role of Political Psychology in Accounting for the Outcomes of International Sanctions

    Houssein Al Malla

    Doctoral Researcher / Representative of Doctoral Researchers

    [email protected]

    Tagesspiegel | Interview | 11/02/2025

    Streit um Geiselfreilassung: Trump droht Gaza mit der „Hölle“ – bricht der Krieg wieder aus?

    Der US-Präsident droht der Hamas mit harten Konsequenzen, sollte die israelischen Geiseln nicht am Samstag freikommen. Man sollte Trump ernst nehmen, sagen Experten, darunter GIGA-Forscher Houssein Al Malla.

    Tagesspiegel | Interview | 27/12/2024

    „Das schöne Gesicht der Diktatur“: Asma al-Assad, die ehemalige First Lady Syriens

    Gerüchte über ihre Scheidung und schwere Erkrankung brachten Asma al-Assad in die öffentliche Debatte. Welche Rolle sie im Regime spielte, analysieren Experten.

    Tagesspiegel | Interview | 17/12/2024

    Geschwächte Hisbollah, gestürztes Assad-Regime: Warum der Libanon auf politischen Wandel hofft

    Das Ende des Assad-Regimes könnte einen politischen Aufbruch im Libanon bedeuten. Was es dazu braucht und wie wahrscheinlich das ist, analysieren Expert:innen.

    German Institute for Global and Area Studies | 21/11/2024 - 22/11/2024

    The Use and Effects of (Individual) Sanctions

    Organiser: German Institute for Global and Area Studies Houssein Al Malla (Panelist), Dr. Hana Attia (Panelist), PhD Ashrakat Elshehawy (Panelist), Dr. Julia Grauvogel (Panelist), Lisa Hultman (Panelist), Anton Peez (Panelist), Jan Rörden (Panelist), Gerald Schneider (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Christian von Soest (Organiser), Cecilia Natalie Strom (Organiser), Ass. Prof. Dr. Bryan Early (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Jerg Gutmann (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Matthias Neuenkirch (Panelist)

    The workshop aims to discuss current theories and empirical examinations of the politics behind individual and broader sectoral sanctions. The goal is to facilitate a dialogue between research on individual sanctions and comprehensive sanctions.

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2024

    Foreign Policy Analysis of Global Security Challenges

    Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2023

    Introduction to Foreign Policy Analysis

    Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany

    Why do states behave the way they do, and how can we account for their foreign policies in the international system? This course aims to introduce participants to the techniques, theories, and methods for analyzing and understanding the process of foreign policy decision making. The course will be divided into 3 major components: (a) an introduction to Foreign Policy Analysis (FPA) as a sub-branch of International Relations; (b) an overview of the methods employed in the study of FPA; and (c) applications of these methods through real-world case studies of foreign policy decisions.


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