West Africa

Our researchers analyse key political and economic developments in West Africa, including democratisation, autocratisation, and the making of interreligious peace. We study coups, structural change, labour markets, entrepreneurship, and the role of natural resources in development and conflict, as well as digitalisation, FDI, and job creation. 

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    Current Research

    Countries and Regions

    Blog Article | 03/2025

    Finding Answers to Societal Division in Togo and Sierra Leone

    People tend to seek out others who are like them. This preference for similarity can result in divided societies as people burrow deeper into like-minded groups. So, in the interest of social cohesion and peace, what would encourage people to engage with others across social divides?

    Yawo Seyram Adiakpo

    GIGA Focus Africa | 1/2025

    Ten Things to Watch in Africa in 2025

    Despite progress in some countries and issue areas, increasing pressure on governments is set to continue in 2025. Democratic prospects are mixed; security challenges persist. Regional integration stands at a crossroads as German and EU Africa policy navigates competition with China and others.

    Political Psychology | 12/2024

    Overcoming Barriers to Interreligious Peace: Determinants of Preferences for Religiously Similar Others in Togo and Sierra Leone

    This mixed methods paper developed and tested hypotheses on changeable determinants of contact preferences informed by data from Togo and Sierra Leone. Inclusive ideas and knowledge of outgroup practices were associated with weaker, and exclusive ideas with stronger, preferences for similar others.

    Contribution | 10/2024

    Putting Interreligious Peace Together: Insights from Two Years of Research

    The project „Religion for Peace: Identifying Conditions and Mechanisms of Interfaith Peace“ explored ways to build and maintain peace between different religious groups. This illustrated summary presents key findings and highlights what we learned about interreligious peace, challenges involved, and ideas about what can be done to put interreligious peace together.

    GIGA Focus Africa | 4/2024

    Good Jobs through Training: Refining Development Cooperation in Africa

    Studies have shown that the effectiveness of training programmes in developing countries varies greatly and many have little impact. In view of possible budget cuts regarding German development cooperation, funds should be used where they will have the greatest impact.

    Conference | 11/12/2024 - 12/12/2024

    MIASA Policy Conference “Dealing with Conflict, Preparing for Sustainable Peace”

    The third MIASA Policy Conference “Dealing with conflict, preparing for sustainable peace” will provide space for exchange between researchers, policymakers and other key stakeholders in sustainable peace-making to present and discuss state-of-the-art research and its policy implications. Emphasis will be given to African perspectives on intervention practices and peacebuilding efforts on the continent, drawing on insights from both research and practice.

    Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr | 23/04/2024

    Die Rolle Afrikas in der deutschen Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik

    Organiser: Führungsakademie der Bundeswehr Dr. Julia Grauvogel (Speaker)

    Afrikanische Staaten und die Afrikanische Union kommen als eigenständige politische Akteure in der Nationalen Sicherheitsstrategie für Deutschland kaum vor. Dennoch bietet das Strategiedokument mit dem Konzept der integrierten Sicherheit wichtige Impulse für die zukünftige Zusammenarbeit mit Afrika.


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