Climate Politics and the Global South

We work on the politics of climate change. We investigate options to enable low- and middle-income countries to achieve reduced carbon trajectories without compromising economic development and poverty reduction, alongside studying also the role of the Global South in international climate negotiations.

Climate Politics and the Global South

  • GIGA Focus Global | 2/2024

    Why Just Energy Transition Partnerships Are Not Enough

    JETPs are envisioned as catalysts for socially just energy transitions in fossil fuel-dependent countries. Yet, shortcomings of the mechanism, political-economic structures, and the initial implementation plans of South Africa, Indonesia, and Vietnam leave major doubts this goal will be reached.

    Research Project | 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025

    Climate Obstruction and Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective

    The fight against climate change continues to be hindered by campaigns of corporate and other actors who seek to prevent global and/or national action on climate change. This research group is set up to a joint and comparative research agenda on climate obstruction in and across key Global South countries. The lead institutions are the GIGA and the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).
    DAAD/CAPES, 2024-2026

    Research Project | 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2026

    Leibniz Research Network "Integrated Earth System Research" (iESF)

    Humanity is increasingly influencing the Earth system that has evolved over millions of years. Visible signs of this 'Anthropocene' are global warming, pollution of the oceans and the decline in biodiversity. In the coming years, therefore, societal decisions of civilization-historical significance will have to be made. A fundamental question is: How can the Earth system be ecologically stabilized in such a way that well-being, prosperity, justice, peace and security for all people are secured or even achieved?
    Leibniz Association, 2022 - 2026

    Research Project | 01/05/2021 - 31/12/2025

    SAGE-Centre: Sustainable Adaptation to Global Change in the Middle East

    The overarching goal of SAGE is to contribute to sharing of and exposure to knowledge and capacity-building in disciplines relevant for sustainable resource management, to conduct multilateral, inter- and transdisciplinary research on areas of concern, and to make cutting-edge, relevant research available for decision-makers.
    DAAD, 2021-2025

    GIGA Focus Global | 2/2024

    Why Just Energy Transition Partnerships Are Not Enough

    JETPs are envisioned as catalysts for socially just energy transitions in fossil fuel-dependent countries. Yet, shortcomings of the mechanism, political-economic structures, and the initial implementation plans of South Africa, Indonesia, and Vietnam leave major doubts this goal will be reached.

    GIGA Focus Asia | 3/2024

    India after the 2024 Elections: Trends and Implications

    The outcome of India’s 2024 national elections will define its future course as a democracy. Examined are the key factors and trends likely to influence India’s politics and policies in the coming years.

    GIGA Working Papers | 04/2023

    Africa’s Emergent Tech Sector: Its Characteristics and Impact on Development and Labour Markets

    This study investigates the characteristics of Africa’s tech sector and its impact on economic development, specifically on labour markets. Using a novel database, we show how African startups are increasingly driving development through locally adapted “home-grown” digital technologies.

    Committee on World Food Security (CFS 51) - Side Event | 27/10/2023

    Just Transition or Green Grabbing?

    Large-scale commercial agriculture continues to replace agricultural practices of indigenous peoples (IPs), pastoralists, and smallholder farmers worldwide. To avoid “green grabbing” but achieve a “just transition” the side event will raise awareness for the scale of the problem, present evidence about the contribution of these communities in tackling climate change, highlight lessons learned from the “global land rush” and discuss the role of strengthening international frameworks and land tenure rights.

    Panel discussion | 27/03/2024

    Just Energy Transition in the Global South

    South Asia Climate Dialogue, Hertie School, Berlin Organisers: Hertie School of Governance Jesus Renzullo (Speaker)

    The SACD attempts to answer questions regarding the energy transition such as (1) what does a Just Energy Transition mean for the Global South? (2) How to balance priorities between transition and justice? (3) what are good practices for international cooperation in the JET? (4) what are the opportunities and challenges with it?

    President (ad interim)

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach is President (ad interim) of the GIGA.

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach

    Regional Institutes

    Africa|Asia|Latin America|Middle East


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