PD Dr. Dr. Ariel Macaspac Hernandez

Research Fellow

PD Dr. Dr. Ariel Macaspac Hernandez

  • Short CV

    • Since 07/2024: German Institute for Global and Area Studies, Senior researcher
    • 10/2023 – 06/2024: THE NEW INSTITUTE, Hamburg, fellow, Programme: Non-material conceptions of human flourishing
    • 07/2017 to 06/2024: German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS) (formerly German Development Institute), Bonn, senior researcher, Program of Inter- and transnational cooperation, program of environmental governance and transformation to sustainability
    • 2016 to present: University of Duisburg-Essen (lecturer/Privatdozent), Faculty of Social Sciences
    • 4/-5/2022: Fundação Getúlio Vargas- Escola Brasileira de Administração Pública e de Empresas (FGV EBAPE), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, senior researcher
    • 10/2018 – 09/2019: Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) (now Research Institute for Sustainability Helmholz Centre Potsdam), Potsdam, researcher, coordination of the German Science Platform on the 2030 Agenda
    • 09/2016 – 10/2017: Käte-Hamburger Kolleg/Centre for Global Cooperation Research, Duisburg, post-doc research fellow
    • 11/2014 – 11/2017: Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy, Leipzig, research fellow
    • 7/2011 – 10/2014 Institute for Infrastructure and Resources Management, University of Leipzig, post-doc researcher, tasks: chapter scientist for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) contributing to the publication of the energy chapter of the Fifth Assessment Report of WG3 of the IPCC
    • 1/2008 – 12/2010: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg/Vienna, Austria, researcher and program coordinator

    Education and Training:

    • 2021: Habilitation, Venia Legendi, Institute for Political Science, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany, Prof Dirk Messner, Habilitation thesis: Setting sustainable low carbon development in motion – negotiation perspectives on transformation pathways
    • 2014: PhD in Economics and Social Sciences (Dr rer pol), University of Cologne, Germany, Prof Thomas Jäger, thesis: Strategic facilitation of complex decision-making - How process and context matter in climate change negotiations
    • 2011: PhD in Political Science (Dr phil), University of Vienna, Austria, Prof Eva Kreisky, thesis: Violence and misrecognition in identity conflicts – mediating agreements in Southern Philippines
    • 2010: Master (in Mediation) (M.A.), Faculty of Law, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (O), thesis: Mediation not leading to peace – when finished business remains unfinished
    • 2007: Master (Magister) in Political Science, Sociology and Pedagogy (Mag. phil.), Geschwister-Scholl-Institute for Political Science, Ludwig-Maximilian-University Munich, Germany, thesis: Balikatan military exercises and the US war on terrorism in the Philippines, 13 Feb 2007
    • 1999: Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, University of Santo Tomas, Manila, Philippines (two years)

    Current Research

    • Negotiations and stakeholder dialogue
    • Conflict management
    • Transformation to sustainability
    • Care and human flourishing
    • Governance of sustainability transitions
    • Knowledge cooperation, knowledge/science diplomacy
    • Scenario-building and futures scenarios
    • Sustainable energy
    • Urban mobility
    • Food security
    • Climate change, climate governance
    • Environmental and climate justice

    Countries and Regions

    • Asia and Pacific
    • Latin America and the Caribbean
    • Southern Africa
    • Philippines
    • Indonesia
    • India
    • Japan
    • Mexico
    • Brazil
    • South Africa
    • Jamaica

    PD Dr. Dr. Ariel Macaspac Hernandez

    Research Fellow


    Earthscan climate | Routledge | 2015

    Climate Change Negotiations: A Guide to Resolving Disputes and Facilitating Multilateral Cooperation

    As the Kyoto Protocol limps along without the participation of the US and Australia, on-going climate negotiations are plagued by competing national and business interests that are creating stumbling blocks to success. The book asks how these persistent obstacles can be down-scaled, approaching them from five professional perspectives.

    Earthscan climate | 2015

    Strategic Facilitation of Climate Change Negotiations: An Introduction

    The UN negotiations on climate change remain complex and difficult, as they have been for thirty-odd years. A major inquiry addressed in this book is if, to what degree, and how obstacles confronting negotiators in the climate talks can be reduced, or perhaps even entirely eliminated, with the help of external facilitators.

    Monograph | Springer Verlag | 2014

    Nation-Building and Identity Conflicts: Facilitating the Mediation Process in Southern Philippines

    Ending identity conflicts through negotiated agreements is an intractable process that is embedded complexly in the nation-building process. Mediation as one of the possible modes of intervention to resolve identity conflicts is taken as the self-evident instrument to end the 40 year old conflict between the Filipino society at large and the Bangsamoro.


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