Anna Fünfgeld


Anna Fünfgeld

  • Short CV

    • Since 1/2024: Researcher at the University of Hamburg; Mercator Professorship for Sociology, esp. Social Dynamics of Ecological Transformation
    • Since 1/2024: GIGA Associate
    • Since 1/2021: Researcher at the University of Potsdam; DFG project "Institutionalizing Low Carbon Development" (INLOCADE)

    • 2020: Researcher and Lecturer at the Chair of International Relations, University of Freiburg (Prof. Dr. Sandra Destradi)

    • Since 2017: Research Fellow and member of the GIGA Doctoral Programme

    • Since 2016: PhD Candidate at the Department of International Politics, University of Freiburg

    • 2013 - 2017: Researcher and lecturer at the University of Freiburg (Department of International Politics, Institute of Human Geography, Sprachlehrinstitut and University College Freiburg) and the Protestant University for Applied Sciences Freiburg

    • 2016/ 2017: Advisor on climate and energy policy in Indonesia for Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (further consultancy jobs for the Freiburg city council and member of consultancy teams working for the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, and GIZ)

    • 5/2014 - 10/2015: Methodology coordinator and researcher of the BMBF-funded, interdisciplinary research group “Southeast Asian Studies at Freiburg University”, University of Freiburg

    • Internships and student assistant jobs at GIZ Indonesia, Particip GmbH Freiburg, BORDA/B.E.S.T. and BaliFokus Indonesia (ASA stipendiary project), Arnold Bergstraesser Institute Freiburg, University of Freiburg

    • Education: Political Science, Geography and Social and Cultural Anthropology (Magistra Artium and state examination/ teaching degree) at the University of Freiburg, Germany; Erasmus student at Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

    Current Research

    • Energy Policy

    • Climate Policy

    • Infrastructure Studies

    • Natural Resources & Resource Conflicts

    • (Neo)Gramscian Approaches and Hegemony Analysis

    • Critical Political Economy

    Countries and Regions

    • Indonesia / Southeast Asia

    • Brazil / South America


    • European International Studies Association, Membership in discipline-specific association or network, since 2018
    • German Political Science Association, Speaker of the working group of International Political Economy, since 2018
    • German Association for Asian Studies, German Association for Asian Studies, since 2016
    • Center for Transcultural Asian Studies, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Membership in region-specific association or network, since 2015


    • No Power to Change? Energy Hegemony and Trasformismo in Indonesia

    GIGA Focus Global | 2/2024

    Why Just Energy Transition Partnerships Are Not Enough

    JETPs are envisioned as catalysts for socially just energy transitions in fossil fuel-dependent countries. Yet, shortcomings of the mechanism, political-economic structures, and the initial implementation plans of South Africa, Indonesia, and Vietnam leave major doubts this goal will be reached.

    PS - Political Science and Politics | 04/2023

    Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research

    Pursuing a PhD is an exigent endeavor entailing various psychological and organizational challenges. This article proposes our adaptation of the agile method Scrum, which we call “ScrumAdemia,” as a solution.

    Earth System Governance | 01/2023

    Institutionalizing Climate Change Mitigation in the Global South: Current Trends and Future Research

    With this review, the authors explore the prospects and challenges of institutionalizing climate change mitigation in the Global South

    Dataset | 2022

    Replication data for Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research

    Replication data for: Franco, Clara, Anna Fünfgeld, Viviana García Pinzón, Jan Klenke, Rebecca Lohmann, Désirée Reder, and Swantje Schirmer (2023), Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research...

    Nature | 07/2022

    To End Coal, Adapt to Regional Realities

    To identify the most useful policies, the authors of this article created detailed case studies from 2018 to 2020 on 15 key countries, which together comprise 84% of the world’s current coal power-plant capacity, and 83% of the global coal pipeline for new plants.

    Jan Christoph Steckel

    Dr. Michael Jakob

    Research Project | 01/01/2024 - 31/12/2025

    Climate Obstruction and Foreign Policy in Comparative Perspective

    The fight against climate change continues to be hindered by campaigns of corporate and other actors who seek to prevent global and/or national action on climate change. This research group is set up to a joint and comparative research agenda on climate obstruction in and across key Global South countries. The lead institutions are the GIGA and the Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ).
    DAAD/CAPES, 2024-2026

    GIGA Event | 29/04/2022 - 30/04/2022

    Towards Comparative Area Studies 2.0

    Towards Comparative Area Studies 2.0, Online event Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner (Organiser, Moderator), Anna Fünfgeld (Speaker), Ass. Prof. Dr. Nora Fisher Onar (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Rudra Sil (Organiser), Prof. Dr. Ariel Ahram (Organiser)

    November session of the webinar series, featuring presentations by Prof Nora Fisher Onar, University of San Francisco, and Anna Fünfgeld, GIGA and University of freiburg.

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Nora Fisher Onar

    Prof. Dr. Rudra Sil

    Teaching | University of Freiburg | 2020

    Introduction to International Politics

    University of Freiburg Freiburg Germany

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2019

    Hegemony and Political Discourse Theory

    Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany

    Teaching | University of Freiburg | 2017

    Living Knowledge. Practice and Reflection of Qualitative Methods

    University of Freiburg Freiburg Germany

    Qualitative Methods Teaching and Anthropology of Knowledge


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