Julia Köbrich / Lisa Hoffmann

The Making of Interreligious Peace

Contribution | 2024

  • How to make interreligious peace?

    Sometimes, people belonging to different religions do not get along well – they may even fight against each other. However, this is not always the case. In many contexts, they cooperate and trust each other. In our research, we wanted to learn how to make interreligious peace from positive examples. So, we travelled to Sierra Leone and Togo in 2022 where interreligious relations were very peaceful. Many different people from the population were interviewed and we talked to religious leaders, civil society organisations, and policymakers. In this comic, we want to show you some examples of how to make interreligious peace: celebrating together, collaborating even when decisions are difficult, being friends, and respecting each other despite differences. We also learned that everyone needs to work to make interreligious peace happen because it is not always easy. We hope our examples can serve as an inspiration to think about how to live together in peace.

    Comic Interreligious Peace Cover
    © Elisabeth Gerberding

    Blog Article | 03/2025

    Finding Answers to Societal Division in Togo and Sierra Leone

    People tend to seek out others who are like them. This preference for similarity can result in divided societies as people burrow deeper into like-minded groups. So, in the interest of social cohesion and peace, what would encourage people to engage with others across social divides?

    Yawo Seyram Adiakpo

    Models of Interreligious Tolerance and Peace: Inspirations from Togo and Sierra Leone

    Exhibition | 13/07/2024

    Models of Interreligious Tolerance and Peace: Inspirations from Togo and Sierra Leone

    Ausstellungseröffnung 'Sharing Stories' IMBA Galerie, IMBA-Galerie, Hamburg Organisers: IMBA-Galerie Julia Köbrich (Consultant)

    Religion seems to both unite and divide people: There is an increase in religiously motivated discrimination and violence. Nevertheless, in many places, people of different religions live together peacefully. The lecture focused on Togo and Sierra Leone as positive examples of interreligious tolerance and peace, and posed the question of how peaceful coexistence of religions can be achieved.


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