International Symposium

Collaborating for Global Health: Shared Challenges and Responsiblities

A Transatlantic Policy Dialogue between Europe, Latin America, and the Caribbean




09:30 a.m. (UTC)

Bert Hoffmann moderates a panel discussion at the symposium
Bert Hoffmann, moderator of a panel discussion at the symposium

  • In light of the experiences from the Covid-19 pandemic and the multiple health, climate, and food security crises we face, there is a consensus among decision-makers in Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe on the need for a transition towards more sustainable forms of cooperation.

    Heads of State and Government from Latin America and the Caribbean and Europe, who gathered in Brussels last July 2023, committed to enhancing cooperation and coordination on common interests such as health. This includes generating investments for healthcare infrastructure through the Global Gateway initiative, promoting local manufacturing of vaccines, medicines, and other healthcare technologies, and strengthening the resilience of health systems to improve prevention, preparedness, and response to public health emergencies, in support of the CELAC Health Self-Sufficiency Plan.

    In response to this prioritisation on the EU-CELAC bi-regional agenda, the EU-LAC Foundation, the German-Latin American Centre of Infection and Epidemiology Research and Training, ISGlobal, and the GIGA are joining forces to convene the International Symposium 'Collaborating for Global Health: Shared Challenges and Responsibilities', to be held on 25th June 2024 at the Charité in Berlin. The event is funded by the Federal Foreign Office.

    This event will bring together researchers from different disciplines, specialised organisations, public officials, and interested individuals from Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean to learn from pandemic experiences and discuss how to develop stronger and more reliable cooperation structures and mechanisms. These will enable both regions to engage in more coordinated measures to prepare for and respond to current and future health needs.

    The event can be attended in person and will also be available online via Zoom, with simultaneous translation (in Spanish and English) and the opportunity to ask questions online. Prior registration is necessary and free for both modalities.


    Charité, Campus Mitte, Virchowweg 6, 10117 Berlin, and online


    English with simultaneous translation (Spanish and English)

    Registration required

    Research Project | 01/05/2021 - 31/12/2025

    German-Latin American Centre of Infection & Epidemiology Research and Training (GLACIER)

    The COVID-19 pandemic is showing that infectious diseases can only be solved by global efforts; and that medical and social approaches must go hand in hand in order to provide solutions. Based on this understanding, the GIGA has become part of the new multi-disciplinary „German-Latin American Centre of Infection & Epidemiology Research and Training“ – GLACIER and will work on a comparative study of vaccination policies in Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean. DAAD, funded by the German Federal Foreign Office, 2021-2025

    GIGA Focus Global | 4/2020

    Access to COVID-19 Vaccines and Medicines – a Global Public Good

    Anne Harant (née Paschke)

    Former GIGA Team member


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