GIGA Global Approach to Scholarship

GIGA Global Approach to Scholarship

  • The German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) / Leibniz-Institut für Globale und Regionale Studien conducts social science research with real-world relevance on Africa, Asia, Latin America, and the Middle East, as well as on global developments. The GIGA is committed to a Global Approach to Scholarship, namely working with perspectives, concepts, and experiences from different world regions. The Institute is dedicated to providing policy advice based on high-quality research. With this mandate – research and knowledge exchange – the GIGA aims to better inform both academia and society at large.

    The GIGA stands for research that is global in content, reach, and structure.

    Graph of the global approach at the GIGA
    © GIGA

    Global in Content

    With its Global Approach to Scholarship, the GIGA analyses how political, social, and economic transitions arise, as well as how they unfold both within our study regions and around the world. We balance our commitment to rich empirical detail with keeping a close eye on how this all adds up to the bigger picture. The Institute’s research (1) combines in-depth area expertise and cutting-edge comparative methods (“Comparative Area Studies”), (2) covers different levels of analysis – global, regional, national, local –, and (3) develops and applies innovative theoretical and empirical approaches, engaging with ideas and practices from different parts of the world.

    Global in Reach

    The GIGA has achieved significant global visibility by disseminating its research via high-impact journals and publishing houses, thereby taking on an intellectual-leadership role. Our various events and Open Access publications bring together leading academics and practitioners in dialogue and exchange. We contribute to the further development of Hamburg as a hub of knowledge, address the media and the general public, and make the results of our research readily available to a global audience. On the basis of our scholarship, we are able to advise policymakers and actively engage with academic, political, and societal stakeholders in Germany, at the European and international levels, as well as in our study regions of the Global South.

    Global in Structure

    The GIGA is home to researchers from the fields of Political Science, Economics, and related disciplines, striving for interdisciplinarity within the Social Sciences and beyond. We collaborate with leading institutions and researchers from around the globe. The Institute has a long-standing tradition of working not only on but with our study regions. We are active in the latter via our Research Platforms, both established and new networks, as well as through research stays. Our GIGA Library houses a unique and rich collection of literature on Africa, Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, as well as on global developments. Dedicated to outstanding research, doctoral education, and outreach, the GIGA brings onboard leading minds from all over the world. We provide an inspiring institutional culture that promotes equal opportunity, family friendliness, and diversity.

    President (ad interim)

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach is President (ad interim) of the GIGA.

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach

    Regional Institutes

    Africa|Asia|Latin America|Middle East


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