Daniel Geissel

Doctoral Researcher

Daniel Geissel

  • Short CV

    • Since 10/2019: PhD candidate at Georg-August-University Göttingen and member of the GIGA Doctoral Programme

    • Since 04/2019: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for African Affairs

    • 09/2017 - 12/2017: Carlo Schmid Fellow with UNOPS in Copenhagen, Denmark

    • 08/2016 - 12/2016: Field Research Assistant on Global Health topics for the Chair of Development Economics of the University of Göttingen in Bihar, India

    • 05/2016 - 07/2016: Consultant for Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH for the  German BACKUP Initiative - Education in Africa in Eschborn, Germany

    • 04/2014 - 06/2014: Research Internship at Fundação Joaquim Nabuco in Recife, Brazil

    • Education: M.A. in Development Economics at Georg-August-University Göttingen; B.Sc. in International Economics at Eberhard Karls University Tübingen

    Current Research

    • Large-scale land investments

    • Rural development

    • Socioeconomic inequalities and institutions

    Countries and Regions

    • Liberia, Sub-Saharan Africa

    • Indonesia, South-East Asia


    • Essays on the Impact of Large-Scale Land Acquisitions on Rural Change and Social Conflict

    Daniel Geissel

    Doctoral Researcher

    T. +49 (40) 42825-736[email protected]

    Deal Narrative | 2024

    Who Benefits from Tree-Planting in the Global South?: The Case of Two Carbon Offset Projects in Laos

    With biological carbon removal projects already receiving large parts of the increasing financial flows towards carbon offsetting, this deal narrative illustrates the ensuing trade-offs and potential benefits using the example of two land deals from the Land Matrix database in Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), commonly known as Laos.

    GIGA Working Papers | 05/2022

    Large-Scale Land Deals and Social Conflict: Evidence and Policy Implications

    How do large-scale land acquisitions increase the risk of conflict, and what kind of policies can mitigate this effect? The authors address these questions with a policy-oriented synthesis of prior research and develop policy recommendations in highlighting the need for regulatory frameworks, consultation, and transparency.

    Research Project | 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2022

    Land-Based Investments in Global Supply Chains and the Protection of Vulnerable Groups

    The second phase of the research project “Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, Rural Change, and Social Conflict” focuses on the socio-economic impact of large-scale land acquisitions (LSLA) on local populations, particularly in terms of communal land rights and indigenous groups. Furthermore, it investigates the relationship between LSLA and global (agricultural) supply chains. The project aims to synthesise existing research and generate new evidence at the intersection of rural development and sustainable production and consumption.
    BMZ, 2022

    Research Project | 01/03/2019 - 31/12/2021

    Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, Rural Change, and Social Conflict

    By combining theoretical and methodological approaches in political science, economics, and environmental sciences, this project analyzes the effects of large-scale land acquisitions on rural structural change and social conflicts in order to advance academic research, provide international policy advice, and inform the work of local advocacy and development organizations.
    BMZ, 2019-2022

    Agrar auf Ohr | Interview | 12/09/2023

    In the Shadow of Attention - How the Loss of Traditional Lands Strains the Mental Health of Indigenous Peoples

    This German-language episode of the podcast 'Agrar aufs Ohr' ('Agricultural to the Ear') focuses on the multi-layered relationships between culture, environment, and the mental health of indigenous peoples.

    Workshop | 13/03/2023 - 14/03/2023

    Contested Land Transformations: Project Completion Workshop for Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, Rural Change, and Social Conflict

    Contested Land Transformations: Project Completion Workshop for Large-Scale Land Acquisitions, Rural Change, and Social Conflict, IPB University, Bogor Daniel Geissel (Organiser), Prof. Dr. Jann Lay (Organiser)

    The event combined two parts: an internal collaboration workshop and an open workshop synthesizing and discussing our joint research results to Master and PhD students as well as lecturers and researchers at IPB University.

    Cooperation Event | 07/12/2020 - 08/12/2020

    Considering Ethics and Safety in Field Research in the Global South

    Considering Ethics and Safety in Field Research in the Global South, Online event Organisers: Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Désirée Marlen Reder (Organiser), Swantje Schirmer (Organiser), Dr. Niklas Krösche (Organiser), Dr. Lisa Hoffmann (Organiser), Clara-Auguste Süß (Organiser), Simone Schnabel (Organiser), Ilyas Saliba (Speaker), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Timothy Williams (Speaker), Dr. Viviana García Pinzón (Speaker), Daniel Geissel (Speaker)

    Considering Safety and Ethics in Field Research in the Global South

    Swantje Schirmer

    Clara-Auguste Süß

    Simone Schnabel

    Ilyas Saliba

    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Timothy Williams

    Teaching | University of Göttingen | 2020

    Controversies in Development Economics

    University of Göttingen Göttingen Germany


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