Prof. Dr. Aurel Croissant

Former Associate

Prof. Dr. Aurel Croissant

  • Prof. Dr. Aurel Croissant

    Former Associate

    GIGA Focus Asia | 2/2024

    Remilitarisation in Asia: Trends and Implications

    In recent years, many Asian countries have experienced a remilitarisation of state and society. This GIGA Focus traces the military’s increasing influence over politics, society, and the economy in the region, and highlights its adverse effects for democracy, development, and regional stability.

    GIGA Focus Global | 3/2023

    Military Involvement in COVID-19 Responses: Comparing Asia and Latin America

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, many countries in Asia and Latin America mobilised their armed forces for a broad range of related support activities. However, this military participation occurring in the two regions, even where extensive, did not necessarily threaten democracy and human rights.

    Oxford Studies in Democratization | Oxford University Press | 03/2023

    Routes to Reform: Civil-Military Relations and Democracy in the Third Wave

    This book examines the conditions under which new democracies succeed or fail in establishing firm and lasting civilian control of the military.

    Conference | 17/06/2019 - 21/06/2019

    The “Dictator’s Endgame”: Explaining the military’s behavior in authoritarian regime crises

    ERGOMAS Biennial Conference, Lisbon Organisers: European Research Group on Military and Society, University Institute of Lisbon Dr. David Kuehn (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Aurel Croissant (Speaker), Tanja Eschenauer-Engler (Speaker)


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