Transfer for Transformation – Knowledge Exchange with Global Reach (T4T)

Transfer for Transformation – Knowledge Exchange with Global Reach (T4T)

  • Transfer for Transformation (T4T) is an application lab. T4T will innovate in the practice of knowledge transfer through consequent target-group-integration and novel access strategies. It will also advance the scholarship on the subject by analysing the effectiveness and impact of different types of knowledge transfer.
    Leibniz Association, 2022-2025


    Dr. Nora Kürzdörfer

    Former Doctoral Researcher

    Tillmann Josua

    IT-Anwendungsmanager IT-Sicherheitsbeauftragter

    Ihre Fragen, unsere Expertise; gemeinsam den Wissensaustausch vorantreiben

    Willkommen bei der Online-Umfrage von Transfer for Transformation (T4T)! Nach einem erfolgreichen Pilotlauf anlässlich des Bürgerfests in Hamburg zum Tag der Deutschen Einheit freuen wir uns, Ihnen "Ihre Fragen, Unsere Expertise" vorzustellen, eine Umfrage, die darauf abzielt, den Wissensaustausch zwischen uns und Ihnen voranzutreiben. Ihre Perspektive ist entscheidend für die Gestaltung von Diskussionen zu internationalen Angelegenheiten. Wir laden Sie ein, Ihre Gedanken beizutragen und uns dabei zu helfen, ein tieferes Verständnis für die vielfältigen Interessen und Anliegen der Öffentlichkeit in Deutschland, im Globalen Süden und weltweit zu gewinnen.

    Nehmen Sie sich einen Moment Zeit, um Ihre Ansichten zu teilen, indem Sie an "Ihre Fragen, Unsere Expertise" teilnehmen.


    Durch die Auseinandersetzung mit Ihren Standpunkten hoffen wir nicht nur, unsere Forschung zu bereichern, sondern auch einen lebendigen öffentlichen Ideenaustausch zu fördern. Vielen Dank, dass Sie ein wesentlicher Teil von "Ihre Fragen, Unsere Expertise" sind, so treiben wir gemeinsam den Wissensaustausch voran!

    GIGA Focus Nahost | 5/2024

    Syria Is Not Safe: A Look to Its Regions

    Die Gewalteskalation in weiten Teil Syriens seit dem Jahr 2023 und das Fortbestehen der Assad-Diktatur zeigen, dass das Land nicht sicher ist – nirgendwo. Jedwede Pläne, syrische Geflüchtete aus nahöstlichen und europäischen Ländern nach Syrien abzuschieben, sollten deshalb klar ablehnt werden.

    GIGA Focus Afrika | 3/2024

    South Africa’s Watershed Election: The Dawn of Coalition Politics

    In einer historischen Wahl hat der African National Congress zum ersten Mal seit dem demokratischen Umbruch 1994 seine absolute Mehrheit verloren. Inmitten einer tiefen innenpolitischen Krise und erheblicher internationaler Herausforderungen verändert sich Südafrikas politische Landschaft grundlegend.

    Logo der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft


    How governments make use of scientific findings, and whether electorates accept policy measures, depends to a substantial degree on the exchange between scholars, policy-makers, media, and the public. The GIGA’s application lab Transfer for Transformation (T4T) is thus guided by one central question: Why, and under what conditions, are some forms of knowledge transfer more impactful than others?

    Beitrag zu internationaler Forschung

    Laboratory-style formats (“real-world laboratories”, “social innovation labs”, etc.) have gained increasing importance in the Social Sciences over the past years. They are characterised by the interaction of actors from different spheres, engaging in the co-design, co-creation, and co-evaluation of knowledge with the aim of finding innovative solutions to real-world problems. Bergmann et al. (2021) describe labs „as a research approach that (1) aims to contribute to societal transformation, (2) uses experiments as core research method and (3) transdisciplinarity as core research mode, (4) has a long-term orientation and seeks scalability, and transferability of the results while (5) building on learning and reflexivity.“ Schneidewind et al. (2018) add that „from a structuralist perspective, a real-world laboratory is a research infrastructure in which interpretive schemes and norms as well as allocative and authoritative resources are mobilized for real-world experiments.“

    To the benefit of policy and global public, with the application lab Transfer for Transformation we want to methodically lower thresholds and actively reduce asymmetries in knowledge dissemination through visualisation, translation, open access, and multistakeholder outreach. Our close collaboration with the Federal Foreign Office (FFO) and partners in the Global South will advance the use of scientific findings in addressing policy challenges. Both our scholarship on the issue and our practical experiences will contribute to the further refinement of the concept of applications labs.

    Forschungsdesign und Methoden

    Using our expertise in political and economic transformations in the Global South – and the impact and feedback loops they generate globally – the work is guided by three strategies:
    First, T4T builds further on our staff exchange with the Federal Foreign Office, systematically expanding our target-group orientation into full-fledged target-group integration. Research autonomy will be maintained, while offering early response to policy needs.
    Second, T4T facilitates exchange with the public and reduces (also North-South) asymmetries in knowledge dissemination. The focus will be on three areas: a) making information accessible in multiple languages, b) facilitating access through non-textual formats and visualisations, and c) engaging in multistakeholder outreach.
    Third, besides innovating in the practice of knowledge transfer, the project contributes to scholarship on this subject. The importance of this dimension cannot be overemphasized. As is evident time and again – and also in the current pandemic – some academic advice seems to be more readily accepted by practitioners than others. The GIGA already has some evidence of what works, which it has in recent years been illustrating through “impact stories” in its various reporting processes. As T4T systematises the GIGA’s transfer activities, it will simultaneously build a repertoire of knowledge also on “impact”. This Transfer strategy 3 will bring together the experiences and results of Transfer Strategy 1 and 2, and develop possible (transferable) generalisations. Within the framework of T4T, the effectiveness of our outreach with regard to visibility, to international reach, to acceptance of the offers made, and integrating our target groups into our knowledge exchanges, will continuously be documented, evaluated, and duly updated when needed.

    T4T Co-LABorate Series | 2025

    Global Perspectives on Responsible Economic Statecraft

    With insights from more than 30 global experts on Global Perspectives on Responsible Economic Statecraft we discuss how economic tools can be used to navigate geopolitical tensions, balance diverging interests, and contribute to more stability through forward-looking and proactive strategies. Download the report in this page.

    GIGA Focus Lateinamerika | 6/2024

    Brazil G20 Summit 2024: The Global South Takes Centre Stage

    Der G20-Gipfel in Brasilien findet an einem Wendepunkt in der globalen Machtdynamik statt. Die traditionelle Dominanz der reichen Nationen wird durch einen geeinteren Globalen Süden infrage gestellt, während diplomatische Brücken nötig werden, um dringende wirtschaftliche, politische und ökologische Probleme anzugehen.

    Internationale Politik | 10.2024

    Dystopische Visionen für eine utopische Zukunft

    Der Kommunismus währte nur bis zum Mauerfall, und auch mit dem Ende der Geschichte war es letztlich nicht weit her. Gehen uns die Zukunftsentwürfe aus? Nein. Doch um positive Bilder des künftigen Miteinanders zu schaffen, müssen wir lernen, mutiger nach vorne zu schauen. Risiken und Nebenwirkungen inklusive. Der Text wurde mit dem Sylke-Tempel-Essaypreis 2024 ausgezeichnet.

    Dr. Nora Kürzdörfer

    Former Doctoral Researcher

    Auszeichnung | Women in International Security | 2024

    Sylke Tempel Essay Prize 2024

    For her essay "Dystopische Visionen für eine utopische Zukunft" (Dystopian visions for a utopian future) Nora Kürzdörfer has been awarded the 2024 Sylke Tempel Essay Prize by Women in International Security Germany ( and the journal Internationale Politik (IP).

    Dr. Nora Kürzdörfer

    Former Doctoral Researcher

    Kooperationsveranstaltung | 24.05.2023

    Insights on the Transfer for Transformation Project and the How-not-to guide for International Relations

    Transfer for Transformation: How Not to Bridge the Gap between Academia and Policy, Online Event Organisation: Bridging the Gap, German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar (Vortragende:r)

    A reflection on academic exchange with the policy world. Experts of international relations discuss worst and best practices for publicly engaged scholarship, drawing on the centenary special issue of International Affairs, a “how not to guide” for international relations, co-edited by Prof. Amrita Narlikar.

    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Ehemals Präsidentin


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