Dr. Maxine Rubin

Research Fellow

Dr. Maxine Rubin

  • Kurzer Lebenslauf

    • Since 05/2024: Research Associate at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
    • Since 08/2023: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of African Affairs.
    • Since 07/2023: Associate Editor of African Spectrum.
    • 10/2022-07/2023: Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Witwatersrand, South Africa.
    • 07/2020-03/2023: Assistant Editor of the South African Journal of International Affairs.
    • Education: PhD at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (funded by the Ernst Oppenheimer Memorial Trust Merit Scholarship); Master of Arts at the University of York, United Kingdom (funded by the Commonwealth Scholarship); Bachelor of Social Science Honours in Justice and Transformation at the University of Cape Town, South Africa (A. W. Mellon Foundation Honours Scholarship); Bachelor of Social Science in Political Studies and History at the University of Cape Town, South Africa.

    Aktuelle Forschung

    • International Criminal Court and its African members.
    • Africa's International Relations and agency.
    • South African politics.
    • Transitional and transformative justice.
    • Reparations.

    Länder und Regionen

    • African States Parties to the International Criminal Court.
    • South Africa


    • African Journal of Political Science and International Relations, Gutachter:in, seit 2023
    • Vereinigung für Afrikawissenschaften in Deutschland, Mitgliedschaft in Komitee, Sektion oder Arbeitsgruppe, seit 2023
    • International Studies Association, Mitgliedschaft in Komitee, Sektion oder Arbeitsgruppe, seit 2023
    • European International Studies Association, Mitgliedschaft in disziplinärem Fachverband oder Netzwerk, seit 2023
    • British International Studies Association, Mitgliedschaft in disziplinärem Fachverband oder Netzwerk, seit 2022
    • South African Coalition for Transitional Justice, Member, seit 2022
    • South African Association of Political Studies, Deputy Convenor of the International Relations and Diplomacy Research Committee, 2021 - 2023

    Dr. Maxine Rubin

    Research Fellow

    T. +49 (40) 42825-549[email protected]

    GIGA Focus Afrika | 3/2024

    South Africa’s Watershed Election: The Dawn of Coalition Politics

    In einer historischen Wahl hat der African National Congress zum ersten Mal seit dem demokratischen Umbruch 1994 seine absolute Mehrheit verloren. Inmitten einer tiefen innenpolitischen Krise und erheblicher internationaler Herausforderungen verändert sich Südafrikas politische Landschaft grundlegend.

    Eintrag für Enzyklopädie/Lexikon | 2023

    Commission of Inquiry into Certain Allegations of Cruelty and Human Rights Abuse against ANC Prisoners and Detainees by ANC Members (‘the Motsuenyane Commission')

    Forschungsprojekt | 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024

    African Agency and the International Criminal Court (ICC)’s Judicial Intervention

    This research project examines how African agency can be empirically measured using the relationship between African states and the International Criminal Court as a case study. The project seeks to contribute to the relatively small literature focused on advancing academic understanding of Africa's agency in International Relations.
    OMT, 2023-2024

    Südafrikanische Botschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | 25.09.2024

    Südafrikanische Botschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

    Organisation: Südafrikanische Botschaft in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Dr. Maxine Rubin (Moderator:in)

    I moderated the South African Embassy, Germany's event entitled "Mission accomplished or unfinished business - South Africa's way so far and future perspectives 30 years after the end of Apartheid" on 25 September 2024 with the keynote speaker, Justice Albie Sachs and Mzansi Cafe members.

    Konferenz | 27.08.2024 - 31.08.2024

    17th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations

    17th EISA Pan-European Conference on International Relations, Lille Catholic University - Université Catholique de Lille , Lille Organisation: European International Studies Association Dr. Sinan Chu (Panelbeitragende:r), Dr. Maxine Rubin (Panelbeitragende:r)

    Organizing and participating in roundtable "Global IR: How Should I Do It?"

    Kooperationsveranstaltung | 06.06.2024

    South African Perspectives: The Domestic and International Implications of South Africa’s 2024 Elections

    South African Perspectives: The Domestic and International Implications of South Africa’s 2024 Elections, GIGA Berlin Office, Friedrichstraße 206, 10969 Berlin, and online Organisation: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Deutsche Afrika Stiftung e.V. Dr. Maxine Rubin (Panelbeitragende:r), Prof. Dr. Christian von Soest (Panelbeitragende:r)

    The GIGA and the German Africa Foundation co-hosted an event on 6 June 2024 to provide analysis of the implications of the landmark 29 May elections in South Africa.

    Lehre | University of Cape Town | 2022

    Introduction to Politics A

    I taught two-thirds of the Introduction to Politics A course in 2022 at the University of Cape Town's Department of Political Studies.

    Lehre | University of Cape Town | 2020

    Introduction to Politics B

    I taught three weeks of Introduction to Politics B in 2020 at the University of Cape Town's Department of Politics Studies

    Lehre | Center for International Educational Exchange | 2017

    Poverty and Development

    I designed and taught the "Poverty and Development" course offered by the Centre for International Educational Exchanges for three semesters.


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