

Um eine möglichst große Verbreitung der GIGA-Forschung zu erreichen, veröffentlichen unsere Wissenschaftler:innen ihre Arbeiten neben akademischen Fachjournalen unter anderem auch in Zeitschriften mit politikberatendem Charakter. Darüber hinaus beteiligen sie sich an thematischen Sammelbänden und schreiben Artikel für wissenschaftliche Blogs.

  • MECAM Papers English | 03.2025

    Declining Academic Freedom in the Maghreb

    It is crucial that universities, funders, and governments involved in cooperation with North African HEIs, scholars, or students do not – even unintentionally – contribute to the deterioration of academic freedom. Therefore, the former should refrain from partnerships with organisations that have close ties to the incumbent regimes, or at least practise due diligence. HEIs as well as funding and international-exchange organisations should use their leverage to protect and promote academic freedom and university autonomy in the region and establish programmes to support students and scholars at risk. If those participating in such programmes are targeted by defamation campaigns or law-enforcement officials, their institutions, colleagues, and funders must stand up for their partners unequivocally.

    Ilyas Saliba

    Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung

    Deal Narrative | 02.2025

    Ensuring a Just Energy Transition in the Philippines: Evidence from the Nabas Wind Farm

    This policy report examines the Nabas Wind Farm on Panay Island, Philippines, to explore the trade-offs between accelerating renewable energy projects and safeguarding the livelihoods of local communities.

    MECAM Papers English | 02.2025

    The Effects of Imitative Capitalism on Integrating Women and Youth in Maghreb Labour Markets

    Thirty years on from their initiation, neoliberal policies have weakened Maghreb countries’ labour markets, leading to unanticipated forms of employment and deteriorating working conditions. These countries need to re-evaluate and revamp labour market reforms with ones that correspond better with their status quo and encompass an understanding of the local economic, political, and social structures to enable a sustainable, comprehensive, and fair integration of women and youth into the labour markets.

    Open Access

    Open Access

    Open Access steht für den freien Zugang zu Forschungsergebnissen über das Internet – ohne finanzielle, technische oder gesetzliche Barrieren. Dies ermöglicht eine gleichberechtigte Teilhabe aller Menschen am wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt.

    Open Access am GIGA


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