

Um eine möglichst große Verbreitung der GIGA-Forschung zu erreichen, veröffentlichen unsere Wissenschaftler:innen ihre Arbeiten neben akademischen Fachjournalen unter anderem auch in Zeitschriften mit politikberatendem Charakter. Darüber hinaus beteiligen sie sich an thematischen Sammelbänden und schreiben Artikel für wissenschaftliche Blogs.

  • MECAM Papers English | 01.2025

    Female Agency and Colonial Repression: Memory and Archives in Tunisia

    Laying the foundations for deciphering colonialism’s contemporary inertia, with its mechanisms continuing to broadly structure relations with the region, is key. European colonialism traumatically shaped both local societies and the categories typically used for their study. Deconstructing the latter and the dominant narratives inherited from colonialism in rejecting their uncritical use is vital for the present.

    MECAM Papers English | 12.2024

    Clientelism and Predation in Algeria: Public versus Private Sector

    Economic theory defines the difference between the private and the public sector in terms of the legal ownership of capital. In other words, the public sector’s means of production are owned by the community through the state while those of the private sector are in the hands of entrepreneurs, who are members of civil society. This distinction between the categories of “public” and “private,” inspired by Western experience, appears insufficient to account for the reality of most countries whose state-building processes have followed paths different from those experienced in the Western world.

    Dr. Mourad Ouchichi

    Abderrahmane-Mira University of Béjaïa

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