Julia Kramer

Executive Assistant to the Leadership

Julia Kramer

  • Short CV

    • Since 7/2024: coordination of knowledge exchange mandate

    • Since 6/2022: coordination of the project "Transfer for Transformation T4T - Knowledge Exchange with Global Reach" (Leibniz Competition)

    • Since 4/2009: coordination of the President's Office, Executive Assistant to the leadership

    • 3/2009-9/2016: elected Equal Opportunities Commissioner

    • From 5/2003 at the GIGA (positions in the library, secretariat, foreign language service, and as desk editor)

    • After family stays and schooling in Argentina, Germany, Nigeria, Uruguay, and Malaysia, commercial apprenticeship and university studies in history, political science, and economics in Hamburg.

    Julia Kramer

    Executive Assistant to the Leadership

    T. +49 (40) 42825-540[email protected]

    Research Project | 01/07/2022 - 30/06/2025

    Transfer for Transformation – Knowledge Exchange with Global Reach (T4T)

    Transfer for Transformation (T4T) is an application lab. T4T will innovate in the practice of knowledge transfer through consequent target-group-integration and novel access strategies. It will also advance the scholarship on the subject by analysing the effectiveness and impact of different types of knowledge transfer.
    Leibniz Association, 2022-2025

    Chatham House | Mention | 11/10/2022

    International relations: The ‘how not to’ guide

    In this website entry, Julia Kramer and Isabel Muttreja provide an overview of the International Affairs' centenary special issue "International Relations: The 'how not to' guide", guest-edited by Prof. Amrita Narlikar and Prof. Daniel Drezner. 

    Cooperation Event | 01/11/2019

    First Indo-German Strategic Dialogue

    First Indo-German Strategic Dialogue, New Delhi Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), German Institute for International and Security Affairs, Indian Council of World Affairs, Research and Information System for Developing Countries Julia Kramer (Chair), Prof. Dr. Miriam Prys-Hansen (Panelist)

    GIGA Forum | 17/10/2012

    Gefeierte Heldinnen, engagierte Aktivistinnen: Wie Frauen Politik und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas verändern

    Gefeierte Heldinnen, engagierte Aktivistinnen: Wie Frauen Politik und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas verändern, GIGA Hamburg, Hamburg Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Bert Hoffmann (Moderator), Anna Barrera (Panelist), Julia Kramer (Panelist)

    Gefeierte Heldinnen, engagierte Aktivistinnen: Wie Frauen Politik und Gesellschaft Lateinamerikas verändern


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