Organiser: Graduiertenakademie GradTUBS, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Désirée Reder (Speaker), Jan Klenke (Speaker)
Doctoral Researchers face various challenges including receiving
training on research methods, regular supervision and feedback,
and loneliness.
While research institutions provide methods training, supervision
depends on the individual PhD-advisors, and information on PhDorganization is often limited on introductory self-help guides.
Experiences of loneliness due to the lack of working in a team can
also lead to mental health issues. Additionally, the long-term
prospect of a huge project such as a dissertation provides only few
rewarding moments on the way. Thus, the struggles of day-to-day
work organization are generally overlooked.
Scrum provides a solution to some of these issues by introducing a
team structure, regular meetings, and an iterative work style with
short-term achievements. Originating from software development,
Scrum needs to be adjusted to the very particular academic
context. This is why we came up with: ScrumAdemia!