Angela Pohlmann / Kerstin Walz / Anita Engels / Stefan Aykut / Sören Altstaedt / Arwen Colell / Udo Dietrich / Hauke Feddersen / Jan Klenke / Annabarbara Friedrich / Franziska Krieger / Felix Schenuit / Alvine Datchoua-Tirvaudey / Markus Schulz / Cathrin Zengerling

It’s not Enough to be Right!: The Climate Crisis, Power, and the Climate Movement

GAIA | 2021

  • Dr. Angela Pohlmann

    Dr. Angela Pohlmann

    Department of Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg

    Kerstin Walz

    Kerstin Walz

    Department of Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg

    Stefan Aykut

    Stefan Aykut

    Sören Altstaedt

    Sören Altstaedt

    Department of Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg

    Dr. Arwen Colell

    Dr. Arwen Colell

    Mercator Research Institute on Global Commons and Climate Change

    Prof. Dr. Udo Dietrich

    Prof. Dr. Udo Dietrich

    HafenCity Universität Hamburg

    Hauke Feddersen

    Hauke Feddersen

    Department of Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg

    Jan Klenke

    Jan Klenke

    Annabarbara Friedrich

    Annabarbara Friedrich

    Department of Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg

    Franziska Krieger

    Franziska Krieger

    Department of Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg

    Felix Schenuit

    Felix Schenuit

    Universität Hamburg

    Alvine Datchoua-Tirvaudey

    Alvine Datchoua-Tirvaudey

    Department of Social Sciences, Universität Hamburg

    Dr. Markus Schulz

    Dr. Markus Schulz

    University of Erfurt

    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Cathrin Zengerling

    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Cathrin Zengerling

    University of Freiburg

    GIGA Focus Global | 1/2022

    Now and Never: Banning Hydrocarbon Extraction in Antarctica Forever

    Massive untapped mineral resources in Antarctica continue to be a central concern for diplomacy. As host of the next Antarctic meeting in May 2022, Germany now has the chance to revitalise high-level diplomacy and global cooperation on climate action with a forever ban on hydrocarbon extraction.

    Dr. Patrick Flamm

    Former Associate

    Prof. Dr. Alan D. Hemmings

    Gateway Antarctica Centre for Antarctic Studies and Research, University of Canterbury


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