Clara Franco Yáñez / Anna Fünfgeld / Viviana García Pinzón / Jan Klenke / Rebecca Lohmann / Désirée Reder / Swantje Schirmer

Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research

PS - Political Science and Politics | 2023

  • Abstract

    Pursuing a PhD is an exigent endeavor entailing various psychological and organizational challenges. This article proposes our adaptation of the agile method Scrum, which we call “ScrumAdemia,” as a solution. We illustrate how ScrumAdemia helps us to overcome the challenges related to workflows, working conditions, and mental health during doctoral research. We use data from a self-evaluation survey executed over 18 months, as well as an extended focus-group discussion to assess ScrumAdemia’s usefulness. Our experiences show that ScrumAdemia helps us to (1) overcome limitations of organization and structure relating to working conditions; (2) solve time-management problems affecting workflows; and (3) remedy the lack of support. This study has broader implications for doctoral research: more attention should be given to creating structures for peer-to-peer support.


    PS - Political Science and Politics







    Swantje Schirmer

    Swantje Schirmer


    Dataset | 2022

    Replication data for Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research

    Replication data for: Franco, Clara, Anna Fünfgeld, Viviana García Pinzón, Jan Klenke, Rebecca Lohmann, Désirée Reder, and Swantje Schirmer (2023), Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research...

    Leibniz University Hannover | 04/10/2021

    Forschen im Team: Jede*r für sich, aber doch zusammen mit SCRUM

    Organiser: Leibniz University Hannover Swantje Schirmer (Speaker), Rebecca Lohmann (Speaker)

    Wissenschaft als Beruf. Lunch Talk der Graduiertenakademie

    Swantje Schirmer


    Scrum for Social Scientists: How to manage your PhD project in team with peers

    Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences | 28/01/2021

    Scrum for Social Scientists: How to manage your PhD project in team with peers

    Organiser: Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences Swantje Schirmer (Speaker), Jan Klenke (Speaker), Rebecca Lohmann (Speaker)

    Lunchtime Talk


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