Dr. Viviana García Pinzón


Dr. Viviana García Pinzón

  • Short CV

    • Since 01/2018: Doctoral Student in Political Sciences at the University of Marburg and member of the GIGA Doctoral Programme

    • 2016 - 2017: Doctoral Student in Political Sciences at the Freie Universität in Berlin and member of the GIGA Doctoral Programme, DAAD scholarship holder

    • 01/2013 - 05/2016: Lecturer, Undergraduate Program Business and International Relations School, La Salle University, Bogotá

    • 11/2012 - 2016: Research Associate at the Center for Research on Peace Dialogue, National University of Colombia

    • 2005 - 2016: Member of the Research Group on Security and Defence, Faculty of Law and Political and Social Sciences, the National University of Colombia

    • 2014 - 2015: Grant "Young researchers" Program, Administrative Department of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Republic of Colombia COLCIENCIAS. Project: "Security Sector Reform and peace building in Colombia"

    • 12/2013 - 05/2014: Consultant at the project "Mapping of relevant actors for post-conflict and identification of needs of national and international support," Embassy of Switzerland in Colombia and the National University of Colombia

    • 2012 - 2015: Researcher at the project "Governance, security and development at Chile’s North and South Extreme zones," National Academy of Political and Strategical Studies ANEPE and Fund for Science and Technology of the Republic of Chile FONDECYT

    • 2008 - 2012: Researcher of the Work Group "Security and Democracy in Latin America," Latin American Council of Social Sciences CLACSO

    • 2010 - 2011: Research Assistant at the Advanced Studies Institute IDEA, University of Santiago of Chile USACH

    Current Research

    • Urban Violence and Non State Armed Actors in Latin America

    • Security and Defence in South America

    • Armed Conflict and Peace Process in Colombia

    • Illegal Markets and Violence in Latin America

    Countries and Regions

    • Latin America

    Research Programmes


    • Latin American Studies Association, Membership in region-specific association or network, since 2018
    • Women in Security and Defense in Latin America and the Caribbean - Amassuru, Membership in discipline-specific association or network, since 2018


    • Local Order, Violence, and Trajectories of Governance in Peripheral Cities in Colombia and El Salvador


    • Dissertation prize: 1st place of the Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung ADLAF-Prize, Nachwuchsgruppe der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutsche Lateinamerikaforschung (ADLAF), 2024
    • GIGA Researcher Viviana García Pinzón Awarded 2023 Christiane Rajewsky Prize, German Association for Peace and Conflict Studies (AFK), 2023

    Dr. Viviana García Pinzón


    [email protected]

    PS - Political Science and Politics | 04/2023

    Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research

    Pursuing a PhD is an exigent endeavor entailing various psychological and organizational challenges. This article proposes our adaptation of the agile method Scrum, which we call “ScrumAdemia,” as a solution.

    Web Publication | 11/2022

    Narrative map on "COVID-19 and Dynamics of (Post)War Violence"

    The pandemic altered the opportunity structures of state and non-state armed actors, exacerbated grievances, prompted new investments in services provision, and created new spaces for cooperation, thereby affecting the dynamics of violence across different dimensions and time horizons.

    Dataset | 2022

    Replication data for Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research

    Replication data for: Franco, Clara, Anna Fünfgeld, Viviana García Pinzón, Jan Klenke, Rebecca Lohmann, Désirée Reder, and Swantje Schirmer (2023), Introducing ScrumAdemia: An Agile Guide for Doctoral Research...


    Research Project | 01/03/2021 - 31/08/2022

    COVID-19 and the Dynamics of (Post-)War Violence: Lessons from Colombia and Syria

    What are the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dynamics of violence during and after civil wars? The project analyses the pandemic-related reconfiguration of social and political orders in a comparative study of Syria and Colombia at subnational levels. In this way, it will provide new knowledge on violence dynamics in two of the most complex conflicts today and be able to suggest crucial lessons for similar (post-)war contexts in other parts of the world.
    Volkswagen Foundation, 2021-2022

    Research Project | 01/01/2016 - 01/12/2019

    Envisioning Peace | Transforming Conflict

    Peace and conflict transformation are core topics in the social sciences and humanities. At the same time, theories, methods and data are shaped to an overwhelming degree by the experience of Western industrial democracies or the ‘objects’ of their intervention. This project provides a change in perspective by including the multifaceted experiences of the Global South and applying a global approach to peace.
    GIGA, LSE, CCDP, University of Marburg, 2016-2019

    Conference | 17/01/2022 - 21/01/2022

    COVID-19 and the Dynamics of (Post-)War Violence in Colombia

    2022 Latin American Peace Science Society (LAPSS) Conference, Online Event Organisers: Latin American Peace Science Society Dr. Viviana García Pinzón (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach (Speaker)


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