Approximately 80 million people worldwide are currently displaced due to war or political violence. Millions more have fled their homes because of environmental disasters and socio-economic marginalisation. As there is no immediate end in sight, forced migration is one of the most pressing challenges facing world politics today. We focus on the causes of this phenomenon in our study regions.
Current Research
Countries and Regions
Regional Explanations for Authoritarianism
Statethood and Political Domination in the Middle East (with a focus on Jordan and Syria)
The War in Syria
Regional Politics and the Relationship between Arabism and Islamism
Turkey (Near East Politics)
Religion and National Identity
Marginalization and Social Inequality
Transitional Justice
Kinship and Ambiguous Loss
Middle East
Migration and Refugee Studies
Critical Citizenship Studies
Border Regimes
Political Agency
Civil Society Organisations
Latin America
Central America
Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach is President (ad interim) of the GIGA.