Sabine Kurtenbach / Kristina Birke Daniels

The Entanglements of Peace: Reflections on the long road of transforming the armed conflict in Colombia

Edited Volume | FESCOL Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Colombia | 2021

  • Research Programmes

    Number of Pages



    FESCOL Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Colombia


    978-958-8677-47-7 (spanish)

    978-958-8677-48-4 (english)



    Promotional video
    © FESCOL

    Kristina Birke Daniels

    Kristina Birke Daniels

    Friedrich Ebert Foundation Colombia

    Workshop | 22/02/2024 - 23/02/2024

    Beyond the Liberal Peace: The Importance of Human Rights for Peace

    IBEI-GIGA Workshop Security, Conflict and Peace, IBEI, Barcelona Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach (Speaker)

    Over the last decade liberal peacebuilding was heavily criticised for its Eurocentric bias privileging civil and political rights. Nevertheless, peacebuilding needs a normative frame based not only on individual rights but also on collective human rights as the basis for violence reduction, participation and conflict transformation.

    Journal of Intervention and Statebuilding | 03/2024

    Variations of Peace in Colombia

    Peace and conflict are not the same across territories and scales. Conceptualizing peace as a process based on three core functions of society and related norms allows us to identify variations in peacebuilding needs and perceptions. The entanglement of different scales shapes the diversity of peace and highlights the opportunities and challenges of peacebuilding and related norms, along with their diffusion and contestation.

    Edited Volume | 10/2023

    Venezuela: de la Pax Malandra a la Paz Ciudadana

    Venezuela is an unusual context for a study on peace and peacebuilding. The book provides an analysis with a “conflict and peace” lens besides the fact that its high levels of violence are not an open war or armed conflict.


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