Sabine Kurtenbach / Anais López Caldera

Venezuela: de la Pax Malandra a la Paz Ciudadana

Edited Volume | 2023

  • Abstract

    Venezuela is an unusual context for a study on peace and peacebuilding and the main debates on Venezuela’s multiple crises, violences, and political developments tend to revolve around the question of the political regime, i.e., autocracy versus democracy, and the role of elections, as well as the sanctions the United States and the European Union imposed. The book is the result of a cooperation between various Venezuelan authors (academics and practitioners) under the coordination of FES office in Caracas and the GIGA, Hamburg. It provides an analysis with a “conflict and peace” lens besides the fact that its high levels of violence are not an open war or armed conflict. This perspective helps us to understand the main dynamics and the political economy driving violences and civil resistance.

    Research Project

    Research Programmes

    Number of Pages







    Conference | 14/02/2024 - 16/02/2024

    Violent Legacies, Social Movements, Uncertain Futures

    Violent Legacies, Social Movements, Uncertain Futures, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José Désirée Marlen Reder (Organiser), Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach (Organiser), Alina Maria Ripplinger (Panelist)

    In Central America, democracy and peacebuilding processes are currently threatened. Researchers and civil society representatives discussed potential pathways out of the crisis in a three-day workshop at the University of Costa Rica in San José, organised by GIGA.


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