Glocal Peace - Pilot Study Colombia

  • Research Questions

    What is the meaning of "peace" for the Colombian population? How can peace be "measured"? What are the concequences for the promotion of peacebuilding?

    Contribution to International Research

    The projects emphasizes the need to analyse the variety of contexts at the subnational level and the entanglements between different levels and actors undermining or promoting peace processes.

    Research Design and Methods

    The concept of "glocal peace" focuses on the analysis of conflicts, local understandings of peace and three central elements for peace development (physical integrity, individual and collective human rights as well as institutions and mechanisms for civil conflict management). We apply the concept in a multilevel and mixed methods study using a national survey on the understandings of peace and qualitative case studies in eight local contexts.

    Preliminary Findings

    Despite highlevels of political polarization the understanding that peace is related to rights, respect and tranquility is widely shared across gender, generations, social strata and regions. Local studies provide evidence on the necessity to put an analysis of prevailing and new emerging conflicts at the center of the study of peace processes.

    Edited Volume | FESCOL Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Colombia | 08/2021

    The Entanglements of Peace: Reflections on the long road of transforming the armed conflict in Colombia

    The publication of this study, which seeks to analyse and understand the variety of conceptions of peace in Colombia, comes at a key but complex moment. The context of the pandemic has not only had an impact on the health of the Colombian population, but also on the quality of life of households.

    Kristina Birke Daniels

    Friedrich Ebert Foundation Colombia


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