Do Security Sector Reforms Help Peacebuilding?




04:00 p.m. (CET)


06:00 p.m. (CET)

Video State-Society Relations

  • Security sector reform (SSR) is a core element in the transition from internal war to peace. First, various violent actors are demobilised, then accountable and legitimate institutions are to emerge by reforming the police, the army, and possibly also the judiciary. This is the focus of international support. For SSR to contribute to peacebuilding, these reforms should also involve local actors and be embedded in constructive state–society relations. Above all, women and minorities must be involved and key individual and collective human rights protected. In this GIGA Talk, we present a feminist and intersectoral conceptualisation of SSR as well as quantitative and qualitative findings from a research project (German Research Foundation, DFG) from 42 post-conflict societies as well as from Afghanistan and Colombia. 

    Speakers:  Dr. Nadine Ansorg is Reader in International Conflict Analysis at the University of Kent and an Associate at the GIGA.  

    Prof. Dr. Sabine Kurtenbach is a Lead Research Fellow at the GIGA and Honorary Professor at the Center for Conflict Studies, Philipps University of Marburg. 

    Discussant: Tobias Grothe is Head of Section "Enable & Enhance, Equipment Assistance, Security Sector Reform" at the German Federal Foreign Office. Moderator: Prof. Dr. Christian von Soest is a Lead Research Fellow at the GIGA and Head of the Research Programme "Peace and Security".



    GIGA Berlin Büro, Friedrichstraße 206, 10969 Berlin



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    Infographic | 09/2023

    How to deal with Non-state Armed Actors

    Dealing with NSAAs is complicated and complex shifting between repression and dialogue. NSAAs are highly flexibkle and able to adapt to changing local and global contexts. Policies must be comprehensive and include local communities as well as structural drivers of violence.

    Yannick Deepen

    Former GIGA Team member


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