GIGA Forum

From Hamburg to Brazil: New Pathways for Global Cooperation at the G20




05:00 p.m. (CET)


06:15 p.m. (CET)

Finance chiefs from the Group of 20 advanced and emerging economies meet in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on Feb. 29, 2024. (Kyodo)

  • The G20’s 2017 summit in Hamburg was met with widespread protest across the city. Demonstrators expressed their dissatisfaction with a forum they perceived as exclusive and detached from society. As the G20 concludes its 2024 meeting in Brazil, we will examine how the forum has evolved in recent years. How does public engagement shape its decision-making today? Can the G20 serve as the gold standard for global cooperation in an increasingly multipolar world? 

    Our experts will explore these key questions, diving into the G20’s changing dynamics as well as its current recommendations, commitments, and goals. Join us at our Hamburg premises or online for a thought-provoking discussion on the future of global governance and its relevance to the world at large today. 

    Speakers:  Dr. Tomás Costa de Azevedo Marques is a Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Latin American Studies.  

    PD Dr. Dr. Ariel Macaspac Hernandez is a Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Asian Studies.  

    Prof. Dr. Tatiana Berringer is the General Coordinator for the Finance Track of G20 Social within Brazil’s Ministry of Finance. 

    Dr. Axel Berger is a Political Scientist and Deputy Director (interim) of the German Institute of Development and Sustainability (IDOS).

    Moderator:  Prof. Dr. Miriam Prys-Hansen is a Lead Research Fellow at the GIGA and Head of Research Programme “Global Orders and Foreign Policies.”


    Dr. Nora Kürzdörfer

    Former GIGA Team member


    GIGA, Neuer Jungfernstieg 21 (room 243), 20354 Hamburg, Germany, and online



    GIGA Focus Latin America | 6/2024

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