Prof. Dr. Ariel Ahram


Prof. Dr. Ariel Ahram

  • Short CV

    • Since 02/2020: Associate at the GIGA Institute of Middle East Studies

    • Since 2015: Associate Professor at the Virginia Tech School of Public and International Affairs in Arlington

    Current Research

    • Security

    • Development

    • Ecological change

    Countries and Regions

    • Middle East

    Prof. Dr. Ariel Ahram


    [email protected]

    GIGA Event | 29/04/2022 - 30/04/2022

    Towards Comparative Area Studies 2.0

    Towards Comparative Area Studies 2.0, Online event Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA) Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner (Organiser, Moderator), Anna Fünfgeld (Speaker), Ass. Prof. Dr. Nora Fisher Onar (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Rudra Sil (Organiser), Prof. Dr. Ariel Ahram (Organiser)

    November session of the webinar series, featuring presentations by Prof Nora Fisher Onar, University of San Francisco, and Anna Fünfgeld, GIGA and University of freiburg.

    Ass. Prof. Dr. Nora Fisher Onar

    Prof. Dr. Rudra Sil


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