
China is a partner, competitor, and systemic rival vis-à-vis the European Union. But it is also a political actor that needs to be understood on its own terms. The GIGA offers significant expertise on China’s political and economic development, as well as on the country’s role in both regional and global affairs. 

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    Current Research

    Countries and Regions

    Research Project | 01/06/2023 - 31/05/2026

    HNC³ - Hamburg Network on Compliance in Cooperation with China

    This project bundles the China expertise of universities and non-university research institutes in the Hamburg metropolitan area. Against the background of current opportunities and challenges in cooperating with China, primary goals of the project include the development of instruments for such cooperation in accordance with legal parameters, the establishment of appropriate exchange formats among the consortium members, and the implementation of relevant training programmes.
    BMBF, 2023-2026

    Research Project | 01/09/2021 - 29/02/2024

    Ensuring Safe, Transparent and Mutually Beneficial Collaboration with China at Analytical Research Infrastructures (WIKOOP-INFRA)

    The joint project WIKOOP-INFRA will draw up empirically grounded guidelines that offer researchers from Germany and the EU support and guidance for scientific cooperation with their Chinese colleagues at large research infrastructures under existing framework conditions.
    BMBF, 2021-2024

    Research Project | 01/09/2021 - 29/02/2024

    Performance Monitoring Asia-Pacific Research Area (APRA), Phase II

    The Asia-Pacific research area (APRA) comprises about half of the world's population and some of its most dynamic economies. The importance of the region as producer of knowledge is reflected in its growing number of international publications and patents, as well as development of new (digital) business models. By analysing the performance of science, technology, and innovation in the APRA, the project aims at supplying an empirical-evidence base for the strategic further development of cooperation with countries in Asia-Pacific.
    BMBF, 2021-2024

    GIGA Focus Latin America | 6/2024

    Brazil G20 Summit 2024: The Global South Takes Centre Stage

    The G20 summit in Brazil will take place at a crossroads in the global power dynamic. The traditional dominance of the rich nations is being challenged by a more united Global South, while diplomatic bridges need to be built to address pressing economic, political, and environmental issues.

    GIGA Focus Global | 3/2024

    The BRICS+ Summit in Kazan, Russia: Five Things to Watch

    The BRICS+ nations will soon come together in Kazan, Russia, for their 16th Annual Summit. Despite meeting in a country at war, old and new member states will work on initiatives for economic and political cooperation while aspiring ones will await a decision on the group’s further expansion.

    Economia e Sociedade | 08/2024

    A dinâmica do Investimento Externo Direto na China: uma análise do planejamento e desenvolvimento pós-abertura

    In the 21st century, the People’s Republic of China has risen as one of the main centers of the world economy. This result is attributed to the process of opening and modernization, which promoted China’s integration into the world economy. The role of the State in planning and implementing policies that seek to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) is central to this process.

    Cooperation Event | 27/02/2025

    Franco-German Observatory of the Indo-Pacific

    Franco-German Observatory of the Indo-Pacific, Online Event Organisers: German Institute for Global and Area Studies (GIGA), Center for International Studies, SciencesPo Prof. Dr. Patrick Köllner (Organiser), Dr. Johannes Plagemann (Moderator), Ass. Prof. Dr. Raphaëlle Khan (Moderator)

    Patrick Köllner organised the 28th webinar of the Franco-German Observatory of the Indo-Pacific, featuring Brian C. Chao (Naval War College, US) and Hyun-Binn Cho (College of New Jersey) who address the topic of 'U.S. Freedom-of-Navigation Operations as Signals in the South China Sea'.

    Business Association for Latin America | 09/09/2024

    China’s presence in Latin America: Political and Economic Characteristics

    Organiser: Business Association for Latin America Dr. Tomas Costa de Azevedo Marques (Speaker)

    An analysis of the Chinese political and economic presence in Latin America and Caribe, focusing on foreign direct investments, the political context and the change of pattern over the years. The presentation aims to provide an overview of China's presence in LAC and future opportunities for German companies in the region.


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