Monitoring System and Transfer Platform Radicalisation (MOTRA)

  • "Monitoring System and Transfer Platform Radicalization" (MOTRA) is a research association in the context of civil security research (zivile Sicherheitsforschung) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project was created as part of the establishment of a top-level research cluster for the early detection, prevention and combating of Islamic extremism and terrorism and will be a central point of contact over a period of five years.
    BMBF, 2019-2024


    Mirna El Masri

    Former Associate

    Logo of the Research Project "Monitoringsystem und Transferplattform Radikalisierung MOTRA"
    Logo BMBF

    Research Questions

    MOTRA aims to contribute to a comprehensive evidence-based design of policy and practice. To this end, the focus will be on prevention and the fight against violent radicalization, with particular attention to the development of Islamist extremism and terrorist acts. In this context, two main objectives are being pursued: monitoring the radicalization of Islamist extremism in Germany and the transfer of 'science - practice - politics'.

    The GIGA's sub-module deals with the basic conflicts and triggering events of Islamist radicalization in the Middle East and North Africa and their effects on radicalization in Germany.

    Contribution to International Research

    The transfer platform serves the academic community as a forum for exchange, which also includes a continuous inventory of current research findings. With the help of this platform, not only will the knowledge gained through monitoring be communicated, but the research initiatives already existing in Germany will also be networked with one another in order to promote synergy effects. Research results must be communicated more quickly to those who need them, so that findings have a chance of finding their way into the everyday work of decision makers. The transfer platform is intended to significantly shorten the time lag between the generation of research findings and their potential use. The typically interdisciplinary character of this research plays a major role for MOTRA and is also reflected in the numerous partners from science, politics and practice who are part of the transfer network. This mix is essential for the successful transfer of knowledge between these three areas.

    Research Design and Methods

    The holistic and systematic monitoring is implemented by means of multi-method, longitudinal phenomenon/trend analyses and in-depth case analyses. Systematic monitoring of phenomena enables a faster identification and classification of new trends and serves as the base for prognostic statements. This is the prerequisite for an evidence-based, repressive and preventive security policy, which is to be supported by MOTRA monitoring. With its approach combining various methods, MOTRA will be able to provide a broadly based knowledge and orientation basis for the design of security policy that goes beyond the existing data and can be transferred into practice in a targeted manner.

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 03/2025

    Antisemitische und muslimfeindliche Haltungen in Deutschland: Entwicklungen seit dem Jahresbeginn 2023

    In diesem Beitrag zum MOTRA Monitor 2023/24 werden aktuelle Daten zu antisemitischen und muslimfeindlichen Einstellungen innerhalb der in Deutschland lebenden Bevölkerung zwischen Januar 2023 und September 2024 vorgestellte und analysiert.

    Other Report | Universität Hamburg | 08/2024

    Menschen in Deutschland: International (MiDInt): Untersuchungsdesign, Stichprobe, Erhebungsinstrument und Codebuch zu Welle 6 (November 2023): MOTRA-Forschungsbericht No. 14 aus dem Institut für Kriminologie an der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft

    Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht beschreibt für die sechste Welle von MiDInt, die im November 2023 stattfand, das Erhebungsdesign, die erreichte Stichprobe, die erhobenen Konstrukte und die dazu verwendeten Messinstrumente. Im Anhang findet sich das Erhebungsinstrument im Wortlaut sowie das Codebuch zum Datensatz, dem die Bezeichnungen der Variablen, deren Inhalt und Codierung entnommen werden können.

    Motra-Spotlight | 05/2024

    Einstellungen der Bevölkerung in Deutschland zu Militärhilfen für die Ukraine

    In diesem MOTRA-Spotlight werden das Ausmaß der Kriegsangst sowie Einstellungen der Bevölkerung in Deutschland zu Militärhilfen für die Ukraine vorgestellt und diskutiert.

    Other Report | Universität Hamburg | 12/2023

    Menschen in Deutschland: International (MiDInt): Untersuchungsdesign, Stichprobe, Erhebungsinstrument und Codebuch zu Welle 5 (Oktober 2023): MOTRA-Forschungsbericht No. 13 aus dem Institut für Kriminologie an der Fakultät für Rechtswissenschaft

    Der vorliegende Forschungsbericht beschreibt für die fünfte Welle von MiDInt, die im Oktober und November 2023 stattfand, das Erhebungsdesign, die erreichte Stichprobe, die erhobenen Konstrukte und die dazu verwendeten Messinstrumente. Im Anhang findet sich das Erhebungsinstrument im Wortlaut sowie das Codebuch zum Datensatz, dem die Bezeichnungen der Variablen, deren Inhalt und Codierung entnommen werden können.

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 11/2023

    International Events and Social Media Activities on X (formerly Twitter): Towards the Establishment of a Monitoring Dashboard

    In diesem Beitrag des MOTRA Monitor 2022 wird ein Dashboard zum Monitoring der Einflüsse von internationalen Ereignissen auf Aktivitäten von Nutzern in soziale Medien vorgestellt.

    Julian Hohner

    Simon Greipl

    Heidi Schulze

    Conference | 12/08/2024 - 15/08/2024

    The use of violence in the Palestinian West Bank and attitudes toward protest behavior: Experimental findings from Germany

    ECPR General Conference 2024, University College Dublin, Dublin Prof. Dr. Peter Wetzels (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter (Speaker), Dr. Katrin Brettfeld (Speaker), Janosch Kleinschnittger (Speaker)

    GIGA expert Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter presents the "The use of violence in the Palestinian West Bank and attitudes toward protest behavior: Experimental findings from Germany" in the panel "Investigating violence, culture, and resilience in the Israel-Palestine conflict and their international implications" at the ECPR General Conference 2024.

    Conference | 03/04/2024 - 06/04/2024

    Public Opinion on Sanctions Compliance and Evasion: Experimental Evidence from the 2022–23 Russia Sanctions

    ISA Annual Conference 2024, Hilton Hotel, San Francisco Organisers: International Studies Association Dr. Julia Grauvogel (Speaker), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hana Attia (Speaker)

    Private companies play a critical but under-researched role for sanctions success. We examine what citizens think about companies’ responses to sanctions and whether firms that chose to continue doing business in the target state can successfully justify this decision.

    Conference | 04/04/2024 - 07/04/2024

    Effects of Statements by Public Speakers on Prejudices towards Refugees: Results from Two Survey Experiments in Germany

    MPSA 81st Annual Conference 2024, Palmer House Hilton, Chicago Organisers: Midwest Political Science Association Dr. Katrin Brettfeld (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter (Speaker), Prof. Dr. Peter Wetzels (Speaker)

    In this paper we analyze data from two experiments fielded in the 1st and 2nd waves of MiDInt. Our results emphasize that public figures who possess high moral authority can reduce existing prejudices against refugees through public portrayal of the commitment to internationally enshrined human rights.


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