Selman Almohamad

Former GIGA Team member

Selman Almohamad

  • Short CV

    • Since 03/2021: Research Fellow in the VW-funded project “COVID-19 and the Dynamics of (Post-)War Violence: Lessons from Colombia and Syria”

    • Since 01/2020: Research Fellow in the BMBF-funded project “Monitoring System and Transfer Platform Radicalisation” (MOTRA)

    • 2017 - 2019: Research Fellow in the DFG-funded project “Security Sector Reform (SSR) and the Stability of Postwar Peace”

    • Since 2017: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Global and Area Studies

    • Education: M.A. Political Science, Siegen University; M.A. International Relations, University of New South Wales (UNSW)

    Current Research

    • Armed forces' reform in post-conflict societies

    Countries and Regions

    • Iraq

    • Lebanon

    Selman Almohamad

    Former GIGA Team member

    Infographic | 08/2022

    Regional Neighbourhoods Matter for Peacebuilding

    Neighbours, regional organisations and networks of different actors play an important role for conflict dynamics. They can either promote peacebuilding or the prolongation and escalation of violent conflicts. The infographic illustrates this.

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 08/2022

    Der Gaza-Krieg im Mai 2021

    Die Eskalationsdynamiken zwischen Israelis und Palästinenser:innen, die im Mai 2021 zu einem militärischen Konflikt zwischen militanten islamistischen Palästinenser:innenorganisationen und Teilen der israelischen Streitkräfte führten, waren durch zwei internationale Entwicklungen geprägt: Erstens die proisraelische Haltung der Trump-Administration (2017–2021) und zweitens die von einigen arabischen Golfstaaten angestoßenen Bemühungen, ihre Beziehungen mit Israel zu normalisieren.

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 09/2021

    Über Ursachen und auslösende Ereignisse von Radikalisierung: Eine heuristische Perspektive auf den Nahen Osten

    GIGA Focus Global | 1/2021

    Neighbourhood Matters for Peacebuilding

    Die Bedeutung der regionalen Nachbarschaft wird in wissenschaftlichen und politischen Debatten um Konflikte und Frieden vielfach vernachlässigt. In diesem GIGA Focus Global wird das Konzept regionaler Friedensformationen thematisiert, ein wichtiges Instrument der Analyse regionaler Variation von Akteuren und Konfliktdynamiken.

    Research Project | 01/03/2021 - 31/08/2022

    COVID-19 and the Dynamics of (Post-)War Violence: Lessons from Colombia and Syria

    What are the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the dynamics of violence during and after civil wars? The project analyses the pandemic-related reconfiguration of social and political orders in a comparative study of Syria and Colombia at subnational levels. In this way, it will provide new knowledge on violence dynamics in two of the most complex conflicts today and be able to suggest crucial lessons for similar (post-)war contexts in other parts of the world.
    Volkswagen Foundation, 2021-2022

    Research Project | 01/12/2019 - 30/11/2024

    Monitoring System and Transfer Platform Radicalisation (MOTRA)

    "Monitoring System and Transfer Platform Radicalization" (MOTRA) is a research association in the context of civil security research (zivile Sicherheitsforschung) funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The project was created as part of the establishment of a top-level research cluster for the early detection, prevention and combating of Islamic extremism and terrorism and will be a central point of contact over a period of five years.
    BMBF, 2019-2024

    Research Project | 01/05/2016 - 31/01/2020

    Security Sector Reform and the Stability of Post-War Peace

    Security Sector Reform (SSR) is commonly defined as changes in the structure and conduct of those state institutions responsible for the prosecution and punishment of non-legal manifestations of violence: the military, police, and judiciary. Scholars and practitioners alike thereby see the process of SSR as one of the most vital elements for creating a stable post-war peace. The project investigates the conditions for this process.
    DFG, 2016-2020

    Conference | 01/09/2021 - 02/09/2021

    Internationale Entwicklungen (Naher/Mittlerer Osten und Nordafrika)

    MOTRA-Jahreskonferenz 2021, Hochschule Fresenius Campus Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden Prof. Dr. Thomas Richter (Speaker), Selman Almohamad (Speaker)


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