Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hana Attia

Research Fellow

Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hana Attia

  • Short CV

    • Since 03/2025: Junior Professor of Global Peace and Security at Leuphana University and Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for Middle East Studies
    • 10/2023 - 02/2025: Postdoctoral Fellow at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
    • 10/2023 - 02/2025: Associate Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute for African Affairs
    • 05/2022 - 09/2023: Interim Spokesperson of the Research Team "Interventions and Security", RP 2 "Peace and Security"
    • 12/2021- 05/2022: Visiting Scholar-in-Residence at the American University in Washington DC
    • 10/2018- 04/2025: PhD at the Graduate School of Decision Sciences, University of Konstanz and member of the GIGA Doctoral Programme
    • 08/2018 - 09/2023: Research Fellow at the GIGA Institute of African Affairs
    • 2016 - 2017: Research Assistant at the Collaborative Research Center (SFB) 884, the Chair for Quantitative Methods for Social Sciences (University of Mannheim) and a socio-political think tank in Cairo
    • 2015 - 2016: Visiting Graduate Student at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and the School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) in Washington D.C.
    • 2012 - 2017: B.A. and M.A. in Political Science at the University of Mannheim with special focus on International Relations and Quantitative Methods

    Current Research

    • Economic statecraft
    • Peace and conflict
    • Global security
    • Foreign policy
    • Middle East

    Countries and Regions

    • Middle East and North Africa (MENA)


    • Biased Coercion: The Imposition, Management, and Termination of US Sanctions


    • Leibniz Dissertation Award 2024, Leibniz Association, 2024
    • Award-Winning Dissertation: GIGA Researcher Dr. Hana Attia Receives the “Aquila Ascendens” Young Researcher Award for Security Policy, DialogForum Sicherheitspolitik (DFS), 2023

    Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hana Attia

    Research Fellow

    T. +49 (0) 40 42825-581[email protected]

    Infographic | 03/2024

    International Sanctions Termination Dataset: Visualizations

    A collection of animated and interactive visualizations of the International Sanctions Termination Dataset.

    Journal of Global Security Studies | 12/2023

    Easier In than Out: Lessons Learned from the Termination of the Iraq Sanctions Regime

    Reconstructing previously neglected debates about ending sanctions for the “watershed case” of the UN embargo against Iraq, we find that the United States depicted the lifting of sanctions as an all-or-nothing question, which impeded a more gradual approach toward ending the measures.

    International Studies Quarterly | 06/2023

    Monitoring the Monitor? Selective Responses to Human Rights Transgressions

    This paper investigates whether sanctions based on standardized human rights assessments are also influenced by senders’ strategic political and economic interests.

    Chapter in Edited Volume | 2023

    The Termination of International Sanctions: Actors, Processes and Consequences

    The termination of sanctions is an important but largely understudied phenomenon within international politics. The chapter conceptualizes the protracted process of sanctions termination and conducts an in-depth analysis of termination patterns of European Union, United Nations, United States and regional-organization sanctions in the post-Cold War era.

    Research Project | 01/01/2022 - 30/09/2024

    Sanctions Termination in Times of Crises: Unpacking the Role of External Shocks

    In March 2020, the UN Secretary-General called for the easing of sanctions against Iran in response to COVID-19. Hence, external shocks are potentially related to sanctions termination. Yet, the effect of different types of external shocks such as pandemics, natural disasters, and economic crises on the (gradual) removal of sanctions has not been systematically studied. This project examines when and how external shocks affect sanctions termination through a nested research design combining new data collection, statistical analyses, and two case studies.
    DFG, 2022-2024

    Research Project | 01/06/2020 - 28/02/2021

    Population Growth and Security in Africa

    As recent projections estimate, population growth will remain a challenge throughout Africa, although growth rates have slowed over recent decades. Africa’s population will continue to grow strongly over the next few decades, especially in sub-regions such as the Sahel. Many observers and practitioners have started to warn that population growth may escalate distributional conflicts and could increase related challenges such as uncontrolled migration.
    FFO, 2020-2021

    Research Project | 01/08/2018 - 31/07/2021

    The Termination of International Sanctions: Causes, Processes and Domestic Consequences

    Sanctions termination has become a ubiquitous phenomenon in international politics. Controversies about cases such as Cuba, Iran, Russia, and Zimbabwe exemplify the contested nature of policy debates about the termination of sanctions. Yet, research has focused on sanctions’ implementation and effectiveness, directing little attention towards their removal. This project examines the causes, processes, and consequences of ending sanctions. It combines cross-national analyses based on the first global dataset on sanctions termination with in-depth case studies covering different regions.
    DFG, 2018-2021

    Foreign Times | Interview | 14/06/2023

    Sanktionen und ihre Probleme

    Ein Gespräch über Sanktionen: Wie sie wirken, warum sie nicht wirken und was sich bessern muss, am Beispiel Iran.

    Neue Züricher Zeitung | Interview | 26/07/2022

    Ägyptens Ohnmacht, Äthiopiens Stolz – die Gespräche über den Staudamm am Blauen Nil stecken in der Sackgasse

    Schon das dritte Jahr in Folge befüllt Äthiopien den Stausee am Grand-Ethiopian-Renaissance-Damm. Ägypten fürchtet daher um seine Wasserversorgung und droht mit Krieg. Eine Einigung in dem brisanten Streit ist nicht in Sicht.

    Brut. Egypt | Interview | 15/01/2022

    Egypt and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

    German Institute for Global and Area Studies | 21/11/2024 - 22/11/2024

    The Use and Effects of (Individual) Sanctions

    Organiser: German Institute for Global and Area Studies Houssein Al Malla (Panelist), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hana Attia (Panelist), PhD Ashrakat Elshehawy (Panelist), Dr. Julia Grauvogel (Panelist), Lisa Hultman (Panelist), Anton Peez (Panelist), Jan Rörden (Panelist), Gerald Schneider (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Christian von Soest (Organiser), Cecilia Natalie Strom (Organiser), Ass. Prof. Dr. Bryan Early (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Jerg Gutmann (Panelist), Prof. Dr. Matthias Neuenkirch (Panelist)

    The workshop aims to discuss current theories and empirical examinations of the politics behind individual and broader sectoral sanctions. The goal is to facilitate a dialogue between research on individual sanctions and comprehensive sanctions.

    Conference | 03/04/2024 - 06/04/2024

    Public Opinion on Sanctions Compliance and Evasion: Experimental Evidence from the 2022–23 Russia Sanctions

    ISA Annual Conference 2024, Hilton Hotel, San Francisco Organisers: International Studies Association Dr. Julia Grauvogel (Speaker), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hana Attia (Speaker)

    Private companies play a critical but under-researched role for sanctions success. We examine what citizens think about companies’ responses to sanctions and whether firms that chose to continue doing business in the target state can successfully justify this decision.

    Conference | 05/11/2023 - 07/11/2023

    A Story of Exemptions rather than Termination: Humanitarian Crises and the Lifting of International Sanctions

    IHSA Conference on Humanitarian Studies, Online Event and Dhaka, Bangladesh, Dhaka Organisers: International Humanitarian Studies Association Dr. Julia Grauvogel (Speaker), Jun.-Prof. Dr. Hana Attia (Speaker)

    COVID-19 did not significantly alter decisions related to the termination of sanctions in the years 2020 and 2021. There, are however, other temporary adjustment strategies by the senders in form of humanitarian exemptions and general licenses that were issued during these two years.

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2021

    Sanctions in International Relations

    Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany

    Teaching | Universität Hamburg | 2019

    International Sanctions: Actors, Processes and Consequences

    Universität Hamburg Hamburg Germany


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