Corona Conflicts? Analysing Effects of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Violent Conflict in Africa

  • Research Questions

    * Does the COVID-19 pandemic increase violent conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa?
    * How does the pandemic as well as government and societal responses to it create new or escalate existing conflicts?
    * What contextual factors such as fragility and other conflict risks contribute to the escalation of conflict?
    * What policies seem promising to avoid escalation for the present and future pandemics?

    Contribution to International Research

    The project enagages in one of the first comprehensive analysis of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on violent conflicts.

    Research Design and Methods

    It uses an innovative theoretical model of escalation as a result of the virus shock and employs a nested research design that combines cross-country regressions and pertinent case studies.

    Preliminary Findings

    Our first round of analysis suggests that the pandemic contributes to conflict escalation. However, the most robust finding is that strict lockdowns increase "COVID-19 unrest", which forms a fraction of the violence only. Pre-pandemic fragility best explains a recent increase in violence in the region. However, there are indications that economic shocks will exacerbate existing distributional conflicts and elite power struggles in the future. This is best illustrated by the case studies of Ethiopia and South Africa where pandemic related effects like the postponing of an election (Ethiopia) and economic hardships by lockdowns (South Africa) contributed to esclation in 2020 and 2021 but were in themselves not the main causes of escalation.

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