Cooperation Event

CFS 50 Side Event SE14: Human Rights in Global Land Acquisitions and Agricultural Supply Chains: Global Frameworks and Human Rights due Diligence




08:30 a.m. (UTC)


09:45 a.m. (UTC)

CFS 50 Side Event SE14: Human Rights in Global Land Acquisitions and Agricultural Supply Chains: Global Frameworks and Human Rights due Diligence
Video of the CFS 50 Side Event SE14: Human Rights in Global Land Acquisitions and Agricultural Supply Chains: Global Frameworks and Human Rights due Diligence

  • Global agricultural supply chains are frequently associated with human rights violations – particularly upstream, when large-scale commercial production is established on land previously used by smallholders or indigenous populations. In response, various frameworks that target the country of production, for example the VGGT, or investors, such as the CFS-RAI, are being implemented. In addition, new human rights due diligence regulations target the supply chain to hold downstream buyers and importers accountable. Finally, again with the objective of holding actors accountable, a range of monitoring initiatives are continuously working on the provision of relevant data and increasing transparency.

    While these different approaches address human rights concerns related to global agricultural production, they are directed at different stakeholders, are currently at different stages of implementation, and thus little aligned. This means that important synergies remain unused. The side event aims to explore the potential synergies to address human rights violations in global agricultural production. 

    Speakers: Dr. Ward Anseeuw (Senior Technical Specialist, ILC) Alfred Brownell (Steering Committee, ALLIED) Prof. Dr. Michael Fakhri (Special Rapporteur on the right to food) Dirk Meyer (Director General, BMZ) Bryson Ogden (Director, Rights and Livelihoods, RRI) Esther Penunia (Secretary General, AFA) Stefania Tripodi (Human Rights Officer, OHCHR)

    Moderator: Prof. Dr. Jann Lay (Head of the Research Programme "Globalisation and Development", GIGA)


    Red Room (Building A), FAO Headquarters Complex, Viale delle Terme di Caracalla, 00153 Rome or online

    We offer our events digitally or in hybrid setting. We monitor the current pandemic situation and act accordingly. We look forward to your participation.

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