
Unsere Absolvent:innen setzen ihre Karrieren in verschiedenen Arbeitsbereichen fort. Wir bleiben mit unseren Alumni in Kontakt und verfolgen ihre Karrierewege. Viele von ihnen arbeiten weiterhin als Wissenschaftler:innen oder in administrativen oder Management-Positionen im akademischen Bereich. Andere sind in Ministerien, internationalen Organisationen, politischen Stiftungen, NGOs oder in der Beratungsbranche tätig. Eine Liste aller unserer Alumni finden Sie unten.

  • Alumni 2024

    • Mona Saleh: Surviving Complexity: How International Organizations Claim Legitimacy Under Conditions of Institutional Overlap. The Case of the African Union

    • Dastan Jasim: Civic Culture without a State: Kurdish Civic Culture in Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria between State-Control and Resistance

    Alumni 2023

    • Anna Fünfgeld: No Power to Change?
Energy Hegemony and Trasformismo in Indonesia

    • Jorge A. Rincón Barajas: Current Issues on Rural Development: Land Tenure, Land Use Change and Climate Change

    • Niklas Krösche: Explaining African Union Conflict and Crisis Interventions. The Drivers and Dynamics of Security Regionalism in Africa

    • Aline-Sophia Hirseland: Political integration in the Global South. What we can learn from Indigenous peoples in Bolivia and Muslim minorities in Guyana and Suriname

    • Rafael Castro Alegría: Crisis and Regional (Dis)Integration: A Post-structuralist Approach

    • Tom Konzack: From Peaceful Protest to Carnage: The Role of Resources and Sponsors in the Tactical Choices of Non-State Actors

    • Hana Attia: Biased Coercion: The Imposition, Management, and Termination of US Sanctions

    • Juliana Tappe Ortiz: Peace Spoilers and Peace Supporters: How Individual Characteristics Influence the Outcome and Duration of Civil Conflicts

    Alumni 2022

    • Richard Roewer: Undemocratic Democrats: A Case Study of the National League for Democracy

    • Swantje Schirmer: Why do regional organisations use human rights for legitimation? Set-theoretic configurations of localisation, agents, and audiences of legitimation

    • So Young Chang: Invisible Hands: The Policies and Non-Policies That Make Migrant Domestic Work Precarious

    • Clara Franco Yáñez: Pathways to Dialogue: Mapping Norm Contestation in the Debate about Legal Abortion in Mexico from 2007 to 2021

    • Hannes Greve: Climate Change Mitigation and Economic Development

    • Nils Lukacs: The Search for a New Beginning: Obama and the United States’ Legacy in the Middle East

    • Gomes, Jessica: The Formation of National Role Conceptions in Regional Institutions: The Case of Brazil in MERCOSUR and Germany in the EU

    • Costa, Pedro: The Overlooked Role of the Brazilian Congress in Shaping the Bolsa Família Program: A New Approach to the Policy-making of Conditional Cash Transfers

    • García Pinzón, Viviana: Local order, violence, and trajectories of governance in peripheral cities in Colombia and El Salvador

    • Huber, Christopher: Imposing sanctions on violent non-state actors to restore international peace and security. A systematic analysis of the conditions under which UN targeted sanctions work

    Alumni 2021

    • Rosales, Isabel: States Beyond Borders: A Comparative Study of Central American Sending States and their Emigrant Policy

    • Leone, Tharcisio: Striving for Educational Improvement: Essays on Intergenerational Mobility and Teacher Bonus Programs in Contemporary Brazil

    • Bandarra, Leonardo: Nuclear Latency and the Participation Puzzle: Constructing the International Non-Proliferation Regime

    • Hoffmann, Lisa: Social Cohesion under Threat? Evidence from Behavioral Experiments in sub-Saharan Africa

    Alumni 2020

    • Ostermeier, Martin: Key labour market issues and decent work in developing and emerging countries

    • Strautmann, Michael: Harmonization is Dead, Long Live Complementarity: An Explorative Study of Interorganizational Coordination for Aid Effectiveness in Development Cooperation in Indonesia and Madagascar

    • Bellgardt, Jan: Institutions, Development and Living the Good Life in Ecuador. A PoliticalE-conomy Analysis of Policy Making Under the Buen Vivir Development Paradigm

    • Schöneich, Svenja: Living on a Time Bomb - Local perspectives and responses on fracking, oil and gas projects in a rural community in Veracruz, Mexico

    • Velosa, Eduardo: Formalizing Roles to Assess Extra Regional Powers' Influence on Foreign Policy. South America, China, and the United States, 1990-2015

    • Guerrero Valencia, Carolina: First Ladies in Politics: Lessons from Latin America, 1990-2016

    Alumni 2019

    • Tibi Weber, Cordula: The Contested Role of Courts in New Democracies: Political Interferences in Comparative Perspective

    • Wiegel, Sarah: Employment and Microand Small Enterprises

    • Ewert, Insa: The China Watchers: EU Trade Policy in the Making

    • García, Pau Palop: Institutional Representation of Emigrants in their States of Origin: How much Presence from Abroad?

    • Flemmer, Riccarda: The Contested Meaning of Prior Consultation and FPIC. Indigenous Grassroots and the Politics of Translating Rights in Struggles over Resources in the Peruvian Amazon

    Alumni 2018

    • Soliz Landivar de Stange, Anna: Triangular Relations: China, Latin America, and the United States

    • Schotte, Simone: Poverty, Social Mobility, and the Middle Class: The Case of South Africa

    • Mijares, Víctor M.: Explaining Flaws of Security Regionalism in the Global South: Lessons from South America

    • Heuser, Christoph: Contested State Formation? The Effect of Illicit Economies in the Margins of the State

    • Giolbas, Anna: Four Essays on the Political Economy of Social Transfers

    • Glawion, Tim: Security Arena – Local Order Making in the Central African Republic, Somaliland and South Sudan

    • Bunselmeyer, Elisabeth: Trust Repaired? The Impact of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Reparation Program on Social Cohesion in Post-Conflict Communities of Peru

    Alumni 2017

    • Heyl, Charlotte: The Contribution of Constitutional Courts to the Democratic Quality of Elections in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Comparative Case Study of Madagascar and Senegal

    • Haaß, Felix: Buying Democracy? The Political Economy of Foreign Aid, Power-Sharing Governments, and Post-Conflict Political Development

    • Bondes, Maria: A Burning Issue: Waste Incineration and the Diffusion of Environmental Contention in China

    • van Treeck, Katharina: The Role of Labor in Sustainable Development

    • Sunik, Anna: Monarchic Peace? Foreign Policy and Ingroup Identity of Middle East Monarchies

    • Wilczak, Jessica: Reconstructing Rural Chengdu: Urbanization as Development in the Post-Quake Context

    • Strüver, Georg: Explaining Alignment in International Politics: The Case of Foreign Policy Convergence and Partnerships with China

    • Negrete García, Ana Karen: Microenterprise Performance and Economic Development: Evidence from Mexico

    • Hettig, Elisabeth: Agricultural Transformation and Land-Use Change: Evidence on Causes and Impacts from Indonesia

    • Grauvogel, Julia: The 'Internal Opposition Effect' of International Sanctions: Insights from Burundi, Zimbabwe and a Qualitative-Comparative Analysis of Sub-Saharan Africa

    Alumni 2016

    • Renner, Sebastian: Poverty, inequality and the decarbonization of economic development

    • Strasheim, Julia: Interim Governments and the Stability of Peace

    • Pawelz, Janina: The Transformation of Violence-Prone Groups. The Cases of Trinidad and Tobago and Timor-Leste

    • Hoffmann, Anne: Regional Public Policy-Making. The Case of UNASUR

    • Ebert, Hannes: Change and Contestation in South Asia

    • Wojczewski, Thorsten: India and the Quest for World Order: Hegemony and Identity in India's post-Cold War Foreign Policy Discourse

    • Roy, Vita: Managing Lootable Natural Resources: What Makes Successful Strategies of Reconstruction?

    • Garzón, Jorge: The Problem of Regions and Regionalism in a Multipolar World

    • Burilkov, Alex: The Maritime Strategy of Regional Powers: China, India, Iran, and Brazil from 2001 to 2015

    • Peters, Ina: Cohesion and Fragmentation in the Social Movement against Belo Monte: How Frames and Identities promote Movement Dynamics

    Alumni 2015

    • García, Daniela: Solar Energy and the Problem of Path Dependency in Costa Rica's Energy System

    • Koß, Maren: Islamist Resistance Organizations and Conceptions of Political Order: Comparing Hezbollah and Hamas from 2005 to 2013

    • Gephart, Malte: Local embedding of the international and transnational anti-corruption discourse from a post-development perspective: Anti-corruption narratives in Paraguay and Chile

    • Lucas, Viola: The Effects of Autocracies on Governance

    • Mau, Karsten: Essays in International Economics: China’s Exports, Economic Growth, and Comparative Advantage

    • Darwich, May: The Interplay of Ideational and Material Forces in Threat Perception: Saudi and Syrian Choices in Middle East Wars

    • Zanker, Franzisca: The Legitimisation of Peace Negotiations: A Role for Civil Society

    • Nymalm, Nicola: Debates on Economic Policies towards Japan (1985-1995) and China (1995-2008) in the United States

    • Koos, Carlo: Ethnic Mobilization in Resource-Abundant African States. Quantitative and Qualitative Analyses of the Role of Ethnic Identity and Natural Resources in Armed Intrastate Conflicts

    • Wagner, Maren: Emergence, Complexity, Discourse: A critical realist approach to institutional dynamics in East Asia

    • Nolte, Kerstin: Large-scale land acquisitions in sub-Saharan Africa. Determinants, processes and actors

    • Carpes, Mariana: From Breadcrumbs to threads of wool: Building a neoclassical realist model for the study of regional powers’ nuclear choices

    Alumni 2014

    • Borszik, Oliver: Irans Führungsanspruch (1979-2013): Mission, Anhängerschaft und islamistische Konzepte im Diskurs der Politikelite

    • Bothmann, Astrid: Drawing a Line Under the Past. Transitional Justice in Nicaragua 1990-2012

    • Stolte, Christina: Brazil in Africa – Extraregional Engagement as Stepping Stone to Great Power Status?

    • Fraundorfer, Markus: Global solutions from the tropics. Brazil’s increasing influence in global sectoral governance

    • Wodrig, Stefanie: Discourses of intervention: The crises in Burundi and Zimbabwe as arenas of regional politics

    • Seemann, Miriam: Water Security and the Politics of Water Rights Formalization in Peru and Bolivia. The Struggle for Water Justice in Andean Water User Communities

    • Barrera, Anna: Promoting Change in Legally Plural Settings: Domestic Violence and Indigenous Women´s Quest for Justice in the Andes

    • Korte, Nina: The Political Economy of Public Administration Reforms in Southeast Asia: A Comparative Analysis of the Tax Administration in Indonesia and the Philippines

    • Hess, Natalie: The Strategic Partnerships between the European Union and Regional Powers (Brazil, India, South Africa)

    Alumni 2013

    • Prasad, Karolina: Ethnicity as the dependent variable in politics: A comparative study of Malaysian Sarawak and Indonesian West Kalimantan

    • Giesbert, Lena: Microinsurance and risk management: Evidence from Ghana

    • Abb, Pascal: China’s Foreign Policy Think Tanks: Explaining Institutional Developments and Shifting Roles

    • Scholvin, Sören: The Geopolitics of Regional Powers: How Do Geographical Conditions Influence South Africa’s Regional Economic and Political Relations?

    • Plagemann, Johannes: On the Transformation of Sovereignty in Democratic Regional Powers. Normative Aspects of the Rise of the Rest

    • Never, Babette: Knowledge Systems and Change in Climate Governance: Comparing India and South Africa 2007-2010

    • Albrechts, Nicole: Die Effektivität verschiedener Initiativen und Konzepte zur Korruptionsbekämpfung in Staaten mit Erdölvorkommen. Ein Vergleich von Nigeria, Kamerun, Kasachstan und Ecuador

    Alumni 2012

    • Heep, Sandra: China in Global Finance: Domestic Financial Repression and International Financial Power

    • Buitrago Bascopé, Miguel Angel: The Effects of Decentralization on the Democratic Deepening Process: A Case Study of Bolivia

    • Eucker, Dennis: Development and Climate Change in the Mekong River Delta. A case study on poverty, vulnerability, and how adaptive capacity can be enhanced

    • Godehardt, Nadine: Regional Orders and Intertwined Actors. China’s engagement in Central Asia, 2001-2010

    • Haas, Nadine: Violence in Central American literature and other media

    • Hanif, Melanie: The rise of regional powers and the changing legitimacy of regions in international relations. With a reconstruction of the Indian case

    • Kuhn, Annegret: Cursed by resource wealth? The political economy of oil in Latin America

    • Meissner, Hannes: The Resource Curse and the Effect of Inter- and Transnational Initiatives to Enhance Accountability and Transparency over Revenues in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan

    • Ranko, Annette: The Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood under Mubarak – Transformation in the Process of Ideational Interaction with the state

    • Shim, David: Seeing is Believing: Imaging North Korean in International Politics

    • Stroh, Alexander: Erfolgsbedingungen politischer Parteien in Afrika. Benin und Burkina Faso seit der Rückkehr zum Mehrparteiensystem

    • Vüllers, Johannes: Es sind noch keine Friedensengel vom Himmel gefallen... Friedensengagement von Religionsgemeinschaften in innerstaatlichen Gewaltkonflikten, 1990 bis 2009

    • Zeino-Mahmalat, Ellinor: Saudi Arabia’s and Iran’s Iraq Policies in the Post-Gulf War Era – Rethinking Foreign Policy Analysis in the Gulf at the Intersection of Power, Interests, and Ideas

    Alumni 2011

    • Argueta, Otto: Private Security in Guatemala: explanatory factors and effects on Democracy

    • Huhn, Sebastian: Crime in Costa Rica. The Discursive Construction of a Social and Political Problem

    • Peetz, Peter: Maras, Medien, Militär: Gesellschaftlicher Diskurs und staatliche Politik gegenüber Jugendbanden in Honduras

    Alumni 2010

    • Destradi, Sandra: Regional Powers and their Strategies – Empire, Hegemony, and Leadership: India’s Relations with Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh

    • Capdepón, Ulrike: Vom Fall Pinochet zu den Verschwundenen des Spanischen Bürgerkrieges. Die Auseinandersetzung mit Diktatur und Menschenrechtsverletzungen in Spanien und Chile

    • Fromm, Ingrid

    • Wehner, Leslie: Stalled Free Trade Agreement Negotiations in the Global Economy

    Alumni 2009

    • Fuchs, Ruth: Vergangenheitspolitik und Demokratisierung in Argentinien und Uruguay

    • Bornschein, Dirk: Vergangenheitspolitik im Prozess der Demokratisierung: Das Beispiel Guatemala

    • Hillger, Doris: Bildungspolitik in Indien

    • Hille, Kristina: Die empresas recuperadas in Argentinien

    • Kursawe, Janet: Drug Policy in the Golden Crescent: Perceptual Pattern and Strategies in the Fight against Drugs as Responses to the Rise of Trafficking in Narcotics in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran

    • Richter, Thomas: Autoritäre Herrschaft, materielle Ressourcen und Außenhandelsreformen: Ein Vergleich von Marokko, Tunesien, Ägypten und Jordanien

    • Smith-Höhn, Judith: Challenges to Rebuilding the Security Sector in Post-Conflict Societies: Perceptions and Potentials in Liberia and Sierra Leone

    • Ungerer, Michaela: Vietnamesische Textilindustrie

    Alumni 2008

    • Brach, Juliane: Economic Development in the Arab Countries of the Middle East and North Africa. Determinants, Constraints and Implications for EU-Arab Relations

    • Desta, Isaac Hailemariam: Democratisation, Improved Governance and the Creation of Conducive Environment for Small and Medium Scale Enterprise Development in sub Saharan Africa: The Case of Eritrea

    • Kisekka-Ntale, Fredrick: Institutional Dilemmas in Tropical Resource Management. A Case Study of Kakamega Forst, Kenya

    • Michuki M’Mukaria, George: Trapped in Subsistence? A Study of Poor Rural Livelihoods in Rural Kenya with a Focus on Non-Agricultural Activities

    • Muteanu, Olga: Globale Wertschöpfungsketten im Wandel. Die Herausforderungen für lokale Automobilzulieferer in Ungarn

    • Zeng, Xiuhua: Locational Factors and the Development of High-tech Enterprises in China

    Alumni 2007

    • Soest, Christian: Leistungsfähigkeit afrikanischer Bürokratien – Botswana und Zambia

    • Steiner, Susan: An Evaluation of the Impact of Decentralisation on Poverty – The Case of Uganda

    • Shohat, Michael: Voraussetzungen für die Entwicklung des E-Commerce in Südamerika am Beispiel Chile

    Alumni 2006

    • Eberhardt, David: Die Auswirkungen von “bad” governance am Beispiel der argentinischen Wirtschaftsentwicklung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Systemvertrauens

    • Jansen, Karin: Auswirkungen der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Eine kritische Betrachtung der dualen Berufsausbildung in Togo

    • Schmieg, Evita: Regionale Integration. Die Europäische Union und die Karibik

    • Torres Fuchslocher, Carlos: Development of Technology-Intensive Suppliers in Natural Resource Based Economies: The Case of Aquaculture in Chile

    Alumni 2005

    • Flemes, Daniel: Brazil’s Cooperative Leadership in Southern Latin America’s Security Politics. A Regional Power Striving for a Pluralistic Security Community in View of Domestic Tensions and Transnational Security Threats

    • Plessis, Sophia du: Institutions and Institutional Change as Explanation for Differences in Economic Development – A Study of Experience of Zambia and Botswana

    • Woeller, Axel: Die Landfrage und Landreform in Namibia


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