Christiane Fröhlich

Imaginaries of Climate Futures - Cross Regional Insights to get from Knowledge to Action

Lecture | 10/09/2024 - 12/09/2024

  • From 10-12 September 2024, the DAAD "Global Centres Conference" takes place in Berlin, focusing on "Imaginaries of Climate Futures – Cross Regional Insights to Get from Knowledge to Action."

    This event brings together international experts to discuss the future of our global climate. GIGA researcher Dr. Christiane Fröhlich, a member of the Academic Advisory Board of the conference and key contributor, moderates the opening panel and represents the Centre for Sustainable Adaptation to Global Change in the Middle East, which is based at An-Najah University in Nablus, Palestine.



    Imaginaries of Climate Futures - Cross Regional Insights to get from Knowledge to Action

    Cooperation Partners

    German Academic Exchange Service



    Research Project | 01/05/2021 - 31/12/2025

    SAGE-Centre: Sustainable Adaptation to Global Change in the Middle East

    The overarching goal of SAGE is to contribute to sharing of and exposure to knowledge and capacity-building in disciplines relevant for sustainable resource management, to conduct multilateral, inter- and transdisciplinary research on areas of concern, and to make cutting-edge, relevant research available for decision-makers.
    DAAD, 2021-2025


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