Hanna Pfeifer / Houssein Al Malla / David Weiss

“Enlist Now!” – Or Don’t? Why we Should be Concerned About Foreign Fighting in Ukraine

PRIF Spotlight | 2022

  • Abstract

    With the recent es­calation of Russia’s war on Ukraine, tens of thou­sands of foreign fighters have flocked to the region. While the wide­spread praise for indivi­duals suppor­ting the Ukrainian defense effort is under­standable, govern­ments should take measures to prevent their citizens from joining the war. Foreign fighters epi­tomize the privati­zation of wars, and the multi­plicity of indi­vidual motives and aims contri­butes to the conflict’s comple­xity. The involve­ment of third-country nationals also has the poten­tial to escalate the conflict further. Lastly, Western countries will have to deal with retur­nees who are better trained, trauma­tized, and poten­tially radica­lized.

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    PRIF Spotlight

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    Hesssische Stiftung Friedens- und Konfliktforschung

    Prof. Dr. Hanna Pfeifer

    Prof. Dr. Hanna Pfeifer

    Peace Research Institute Frankfurt

    David Weiß

    David Weiß

    Peace Research Institute Frankfurt


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