Context Matters – Country-Specific Politico-Economic Analyses, Conflict and Crisis Potentials, as well as Global and Regional Trends / Phase III

  • The achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and the strategic capability of German development cooperation in the context of the BMZ 2030 reform concept are based on in-depth knowledge of country-specific, regional and global developments. The GIGA provides annual information on actors and governance structures as well as on conflict potentials in countries of the Global South. Additionally, important regional and global trends are analysed with a comparative area perspective.
    BMZ, 2023-2027


    Dr. Sebastian Huhn


    Research Questions

    · What country specific politico-economic trends impact the success of development cooperation? What actors promoting or inhibiting reforms can be identified?

    · What potential do conflicts have to escalate violently? What peacebuilding strategies can be supported by external actors?

    · What are important political, social, and economic regional trends influence development cooperation in the Global South?

    Contribution to International Research

    International development cooperation can only achieve the self-imposed goals and those of the sustainable development agenda (Agenda 2030, SDGs) if the possible effects of regional and global trends are recognized and incorporated at an early stage and the different measures are based on a solid knowledge of the country-specific developments based on the characteristics of the political system (including development orientation, legitimacy, social reform and blockade forces) as well as the existing conflict, crisis and escalation potential.

    Research Design and Methods

    The methodology of the country-specific analyses is based on a guideline and a catalogue of indicators that make a comparable assessment possible in the first place. These analyses are produced exclusively for the BMZ.

    The methodology for the "trend analyses" was developed in the first project phase and has been applied since the second project phase. It is based on GIGA expertise in comparative area studies and aims to identify regional and global trends that are or could become significant for international cooperation and, in particular, for achieving the SDGs. The "trend analyses" are presented and made accessible to a broad public as a scientific product, available in different open access formats.

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    GIGA Focus Latin America | 1/2024

    Guatemala: A Vote for Turning the Tide

    In Guatemala, President Bernardo Arévalo took office on 15 January 2024, raising hopes of democratic reform. Still, an entrenched elite has continuously distorted the independence of the judiciary. Not only are elections highly contested; democracy itself is on the line. Can Guatemala turn the tide?

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    14.° FORO CENTROAMERICANO DE PERIODISMO, Cooperación Española, Antigua Désirée Marlen Reder (Invited Guest)

    The Central American Journalism Forum (ForoCap) is an annual international meeting of journalists, organised since 2010 by the Salvadoran digital news outlet El Faro. The forum brings together journalists, activists and communication scholars from all over the world, but especially from Central America. Like every year, and like every edition of ForoCap, this space is becoming increasingly important for the journalists' guild and for citizens who consider and defend information as a fundamental right of democracies. In a Latin America in turmoil and a region where democracies are being dismantled, the importance of journalism is growing.

    Safeguards and Defenders - The Role of Civil Scoiety and the Rule of Law in De- and Re-democratisation

    German Institute for Global and Area Studies | 12/09/2024

    Safeguards and Defenders - The Role of Civil Scoiety and the Rule of Law in De- and Re-democratisation

    Organiser: German Institute for Global and Area Studies Désirée Marlen Reder (Speaker), Monika Onken (Speaker)


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