Sinan Chu / Heike Holbig / Amrita Narlikar / Johannes Plagemann

In the Eyes of the Beholders: The Legitimacy of Global Governance Institutions under Multipolarity

International Studies Quarterly | 2024

  • Research Project


    International Studies Quarterly





    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Prof. Dr. Amrita Narlikar

    Former President

    GIGA Focus Global | 1/2025

    The Global South and German Foreign Policy under the Next Government

    Geopolitical rivalry with China, the collapse of Russia as a trading partner, and the radical paradigm shift in US foreign policy under Trump evince a core truth: Germany needs reliable partners in the Global South. How can the incoming government best respond? Four trends to note are outlined.

    GIGA Focus Latin America | 6/2024

    Brazil G20 Summit 2024: The Global South Takes Centre Stage

    The G20 summit in Brazil will take place at a crossroads in the global power dynamic. The traditional dominance of the rich nations is being challenged by a more united Global South, while diplomatic bridges need to be built to address pressing economic, political, and environmental issues.

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    The BRICS+ Summit in Kazan, Russia: Five Things to Watch

    The BRICS+ nations will soon come together in Kazan, Russia, for their 16th Annual Summit. Despite meeting in a country at war, old and new member states will work on initiatives for economic and political cooperation while aspiring ones will await a decision on the group’s further expansion.


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