In Brief | 28/11/2023

News of the GIGA Doctoral Programme

Learn more about the activities of our Doctoral Researchers in the past month.

  • Ardahan Gedikli participated at the 10th Exploratory Symposia of the European International Studies Association (EISA) and took part in the panel discussion “Non-Western narratives of International Relations: the Mobilizing Narrative of Turkey in the 21st Century”.

    Julia Köbrich presented her work at a conference organized by IDOS on ‘Perils and Promises: Social Cohesion amidst the Global Polycrisis“ from 6 - 8 November as well as a research colloquium at the FernUniversität Hagen.

    Indi-Carolina Kryg, together with Antonia Jordan (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen), has published the article "Digitale Mauer: Wie die Zukunft von Migrant*innen in Mexiko von einer Smartphone-App aus den USA abhängt" in the monthly newspaper Lateinamerika Nachrichten (November 2023).

    Eduardo Tamaki published a book chapter: "International Constellations of the Populist Radical-Right: An Analysis of Jair Bolsonaro’s International Speeches (2019 - 2020)," in the edited volume "Political Communication and Performative Leadership. Populism in International Politics," by Corina Lacatus, Gustav Meibauer, and Georg Löfflman. Moreover, he is organizing a panel at the NoPSA (Nordic Political Science Association) Congress in Bergen, 25-28 June 2024. If you would like to join the panel on Comparative Political Institutions, get in touch with him. 

    Hager Ali just returned from three weeks in Washington DC. From October 12-15, she attended the biennial Armed Forces and Society Conference in Reston, Virginia, and presented her two working papers "Constitutional Entrenchment of Military Oversight: Introducing the REPEAL-Database" and "Militaries in Authoritarianism Research: Looking Past the Head of the Executive". In addition, her co-authored book chapter "Factionalism" is forthcoming in the new Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology ( Lastly, she will be directing the workshop "Hybrid Regimes and Authoritarianism: The Surge, Survival, and Fall of Non-Democratic Governance (" at ECPR's Joint Sessions in March 2024. The call for papers is open until 23 November.

    Jayane Maia, together with Mariana Llanos, edited the Special Section 'Elections in Latin America from a Multi-Level Perspective' that has recently been published in the Bulletin of Latin America Research. Some of the articles are open access such as the one by Jayane and co-authors titled 'Between Renewal and Stability: Party System Change from a Multi-Level Perspective in Brazil (1998-2018)'.

    Marcela Villalobos Andrade, one of our visiting doctoral researchers, will be presenting her research project at the 3rd Congress on gender-based violence in Latin America organized by Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México from 22-24 November in Mexico City. 

    On November 9-10, Alina Ripplinger organized a joint PhD retreat of GIGA and the Willy Brand School, University of Erfurt. About 40 participants and panelists attended. The retreat included a workshop on digital tools for academic research, presentations, and a panel discussion on field research with doctoral researchers Houssein Al Malla, Indi-Carolina Kryg, and Johanna Pieper. There were also presentations on third-party funding and a moderated discussion with all professors and postdocs on conferencing and networking.

    In addition, Alina will lead a workshop on "Resistance in Central America: Human Rights Strategies" at MPIL Heidelberg on November 27-28. Participants will include lawyers, judges and human rights experts from regional and international systems, as well as scholars from political science, international and comparative law. She was invited to offer the workshop as part of the MaxPlanck-Law Group "Communities of Practice and Transnational Knowledge Production on Human Rights in Latin America", directed by Professor René Urueña.

    GIGA Doctoral Programme

    The GIGA has a long tradition of integrating young scholars into its research matrix. This culminated in the establishment of the GIGA Doctoral Programme, which seeks to provide a platform for both German and international early-career academics. Herewith they can pursue continued professional development and their own research, particularly in the field of Comparative Area Studies.

    Doctoral Programme


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