Turkish Republic Turns 100: Reflections on a Century of Statehood




06:00 p.m. (UTC)


07:30 p.m. (UTC)

Foto GIGA Talk Turkey

  • This GIGA Talk commemorates the centennial of the Turkish Republic, providing a comprehensive examination of its political, diplomatic, and societal evolution. Esteemed scholars and experts will convene to dissect key themes, including domestic policy dynamics, foreign relations strategies, and the intricate diaspora formation. What does the republican political history tell us about today’s Turkey? From the leadership of Atatürk to navigating the complexities of the Cold War era, and into the present under President Erdoğan, what are the Turkish foreign policy goals and strategies? How have the dynamics and influence of the Turkish diaspora evolved over time? Special emphasis will be placed on interpreting the AKP era within the broader context of this century-long narrative. This event seeks to deepen our understanding of Turkey's historical trajectory and its implications for the future. 

    Speakers:  Dr. Zafer Yılmaz is a Research Fellow at the Center for Comparative Research on Democracy, Humboldt University. 

    Dr. Salim Çevik is a Research Fellow at the Centre for the Applied Turkey Studies, German Institute for International and Security Affairs (SWP). 

    Gözde Böcü is a PhD Candidate in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto.

    Moderator:  Dr. Hakkı Taş is a Research Fellow at the GIGA.


    GIGA Berlin Büro, Friedrichstraße 206, 10969 Berlin, and online



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